Gulfstream Academy

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Do you know good stuff??? I am seriously considering them.........I like the Part 121 time.....
Great Site by the way!
Search for their name as well as PFT pay for training. You can also checkout and search for their name and PFT there as well.

I heard a rumor, and I stress rumor, that they lost their ability to place pilots with Pinnacle. Anyone heard anything about that?
It's funny how naive everyone is when we first look at these schools. Thank God for the shot of reality Jet Careers gives us.
PFT is what Gulfstream does with the sit in the right seat and pull the gear handle and we pay you 8.00/hr.
There have been big debates on here about taking the CFI route and paying your dues or paying someone to fly in the right seat. As at GSA.
If the airlines were hiring right now......and that is an IF......would they accept an app. from someone with 250hrs Turbine SIC part121 time(500 total), or some CFI with 500 hrs total(150-200 multi)...........
It's funny how naive everyone is when we first look at these schools. Thank God for the shot of reality Jet Careers gives us.

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Aww, thanks!

I was there! I've got a closet full of useless junk, books, and "cure all job scheme" brochures that I got burned on back in the 1990's.

I dunno, I personally don't think it's very flattering that most of the Gulfstream students run around on the defensive all of the time defending the training/career choices they made.

But that's just my humble opinion!
Doug, I am glad to hear you have been there too..........It sounds like you might know some GSA alum, and that they run around with their tail between their legs.........

I got off the phone with GSA this morning, and they said a certain RJ airline hired over 100 of there students last year.........what do you think.........Smoke & Mirrors????
Umm, Doug did not go to Gulfstream - he actually closed their forum on here due to spamming and finding out the executive is a scab! Not a good way to start a career.
Umm, Doug did not go to Gulfstream

[/ QUOTE ]

Who said Doug went to GSA?
I also thought about attending GSA once upon a time. Take the big financial hit but I would get to fly in the right seat in a twin-prop commuter. Really sounded like a good deal. This was all pre 9-11-01 when considering this place along with Pan-Am, and ATA.

What really turned me off on GSA was a sales rep whom I won't name. Found the guy to be very arrogant and like a used car salesman. (His last name is a bean or a crappy compact car manufactured by Ford in the 70's) Guy just rubbed me the wrong way.

Hey Doug I have some stuff from 1993-94 era when I was thinking of going to a flight school after the Army. I found a big folder and brochures from some place called Bolivar Aviation in Tn. Can you remeber them? I looked for them on the web but can't find them.
Oh lord, here we go again!

Man, I can almost set my wristwatch off of this website sometimes! ha!

The "I was there!" was in reference to getting loaded up with salesmanship and "you need THIS, NOW!! But first, your DOLLARS" -- not that I went to GSA.

I went to erau;

Anyhoo, why wouldn't he give you particulars about who hired his graduates? Also, a good question for that is "EXACTLY how much money (to the nearest $100), and time (to the nearest month), does it take from walking in the door, to walking out with a salary-paying first officer job with a real airline not directly affiliated with the flight school?"*

* Note: Discover Air/ATA
"would they accept an app. from someone with 250hrs Turbine SIC part121 time(500 total), or some CFI with 500 hrs total(150-200 multi).........."

No. But if airliners were hiring at 500 hours, the CFI would have the better chance over someone in PFT.. My 2 cents.

I was looking at Gulfstream as well as some others (Comair) until someone told me about ATP and then someone else told me there was an ATP forum here (I think Alchemy, not sure).. and then the rest is history.. well, up until now.

Just so you know, Pay for Training (like, you pay 10000 and sit in the right seat of what would normally be a paying job) has a really really bad stigma in the industry, as does Gulfstream Academy and Gulfstream International Airlines...

Doug: I know it's hindsight, but that whole ATA looking back looks like someone shoulda' seen it coming. That owner sure looked like he was in some shady dealings..

Atleast we can all laugh at Discovery Air.. have those assets been liquided yet for some poor students?
Sorry for the confusion everyone......Doug, when I said "glad to hear you have been there too" I meant a place in time/life, NOT GSA!!!!!


So how the hell will I ever be able to fly jets and make some money???? It almost seems like every road leads to a BLACK HOLE!!!!!!! I either get my CFI and work with students or ????????