Ground instructor Record keeping?


New Member
Hey guys,
I am still very new to Jet careers so if this question has been asked and answered i apologize, but an examiner today was going over record keeping for a flight instructor and he said that you needed to keep a record of all knowledge test signs offs(61.189) very simple, and every one knows that. But i was under the impression that if you had an advanced ground instructor rating you did not have any of the same requirements. Starting under sub part i and 61.211 i can see no reference to a ground instructor having to keep records of the sign off and result, the only thing i see you must provide is proof of currency. Am i missing something very obvious?
I'm don't know, but...

Just keep a record. Document. Document. Document. You're giving training to someone who has a much higher potential to hurt themselves than in other disciplines. Granted it's only ground instruction, but what you teach will more than likely be applied. Get it right and prove that you taught it correctly.
Yea i keep a record always just because it is safer to have a record, i actually called a former CFI of mine who worked for the FAA for like 40 years and i was correct, there is no record needed for anything done under your AGI other than currency proving you taught in the last 12 mos, lol.
Yea i keep a record always just because it is safer to have a record, i actually called a former CFI of mine who worked for the FAA for like 40 years and i was correct, there is no record needed for anything done under your AGI other than currency proving you taught in the last 12 mos, lol.

Should be...

taught for atleast 3 months within one year!