good job with aviation degree and...?

If you get an engineering degree, keep in mind that there's a very high probability of ending up in technical sales. For some people that's a fate worse than death.

Just out of curiosity, why do you say law school isn't for you? Getting a law degree opens up countless doors, and most of them don't involve practicing law in any way.
Same problem as the military, over 30 and you're too old.

Max enlistment age for the Army is 42.

Max age for an Army commission is 34 through OCS waiverable to 39.

At 33 you are not too old for the military.
Getting a law degree opens up countless doors, and most of them don't involve practicing law in any way.

That's new news to me and if it don't involve practicing law in any way then why study something you won't use? Law school just doesn't interest me and even more so if it is just a hurtle to overcome for an irrelevant job (unless it's a job I really want :)).
Max enlistment age for the Army is 42.

Max age for an Army commission is 34 through OCS waiverable to 39.

At 33 you are not too old for the military.

Thanks for the insight. Someone must have been looking out for me or something.
Thanks for the insight. Someone must have been looking out for me or something.
No problem at all. The military can certainly help with this frustration you're having:

Bottom line is that everyone seem to be wanting skilled personal with years of experience and no willingness to teach or train on the job these days.
There's over 190 jobs the Army would train you for. No experience needed. ;)
No problem at all. The military can certainly help with this frustration you're having:

There's over 190 jobs the Army would train you for. No experience needed. ;)

These 190 jobs consist of what exactly? Painting a fence, digging holes in the ground, or are they good trades to make a good dollar with this economy as it is today?
No problem at all. The military can certainly help with this frustration you're having:

There's over 190 jobs the Army would train you for. No experience needed. ;)
Military is a great option. As soon as I get a fat envelope from a law school, I'm putting in an application for USMC PLC Law.
If you go into engineering, your aviation degree will become nothing more than a piece of paper to hang on the wall.

Military, business, and law are a few of the very limited options that might let you utilize your previous schooling in some way. Education would be another one of those options.
Just out of curiosity, why do you say law school isn't for you? Getting a law degree opens up countless doors, and most of them don't involve practicing law in any way.

What sort of doors do you see open beside law practice.

I am gathering law school info as we speak
What sort of doors do you see open beside law practice.

I am gathering law school info as we speak

I'm wondering the same thing. The only thing I can think of is politics.

I have a History degree which is just slightly more useful than an Aviation degree. Law school was always my backup but my wife has put the kibosh on any more school spending (I wouldn't mind being a professional student). Before I left aviation I looked around a lot for jobs. Honestly guys there really aren't that many jobs out there period. I can feel your pain but I think that even if you had a different degree it would still be hard to get a job. I know how tough it is to hear but wait 6 months and everything is going to look a lot different.

Also, does anyone have any work from home ideas that would net ~1000/month? Yeah me neither.
I'm wondering the same thing. The only thing I can think of is politics.

I have a History degree which is just slightly more useful than an Aviation degree. Law school was always my backup but my wife has put the kibosh on any more school spending (I wouldn't mind being a professional student). Before I left aviation I looked around a lot for jobs. Honestly guys there really aren't that many jobs out there period. I can feel your pain but I think that even if you had a different degree it would still be hard to get a job. I know how tough it is to hear but wait 6 months and everything is going to look a lot different.

I know how you feel. There is NOTHING out there, nothing. I've looked at sales, business, factory work, even retail, and there are few, if any job postings. It's hard to find a job out there at all, even if you don't have the handicap of an aviation degree.
lol, yeah, they look at the aviation degree and say, "this guy is not going to last long, he is going to get right back into flying as soon as he can and this is just a crutch now for him". Fail! Sometimes I leave it off my resume or application.

...and because you already have a 4 yr degree in something say good bye to any grants if you're thinking about going back to school. Maybe the guys that read this that are getting an aviation degree will play it smart and leave there aviation degree with only one credit away from graduation so they could still get grants when they get out and find nothing there. :dunno: What they don't tell you before you start an aviation degree is how much it can back fire on your ass. You know, the general public views the pilot as such a glorified job and why would you want to leave that easy good paying job for this job.

Sorry for the rant but sometimes I just have to get it all off my chest because nothing has changed a bit from the last time I have said things such as this.

After being an Aerospace Graduate for 15 years, I feel I can give some advise here. Yes, if you apply for a "regular" job just put "Bachelor of Science" and leave the Aerospace stuff off. It scares the hell out of employers. I have had them tell me if they knew what my degree was in, they would have never even called me for an interview. It took me a couple of years to figure this out. I thought it sounded impressive, but it just scares people away. No one will hire you for a general job, and you can't get an aerospace job because everyone wants experience.

Anything in aviation education is absolutely horrible with exception of mechanic and engineering. If I had to do it again, I would have gotten a BA in video and film production, and flew on the side. Or I would have gotten my A&P and flew on the side. Best advise; go to school and get a degree in an area totally unrelated to aviation. If you want to be a pilot, do that on your own and get your ratings. In the end, a degree in aerospace studies does not matter for pilot jobs.
UPS or Fed Ex... That sounds like my father alright! "They always hire extra people during the holidays for help so get in like that and once you get in the system they might put you on as a pilot when they need one." :rotfl:

Been there done this too. Spent 3 years in the Hub, and realized real quick I was going nowhere fast. They do give priority to internal applicants, but you are still looking at doing 10-15 years in the hub before you move into a corporate position like crew scheduling or flight safety (at least this is what I noticed and was told by a hiring manager who was interviewing me). Getting a pilot job with them depends on who you know and flight time, so make friends with a FedEx pilot.
Been there done this too. Spent 3 years in the Hub, and realized real quick I was going nowhere fast. They do give priority to internal applicants, but you are still looking at doing 10-15 years in the hub before you move into a corporate position like crew scheduling or flight safety (at least this is what I noticed and was told by a hiring manager who was interviewing me). Getting a pilot job with them depends on who you know and flight time, so make friends with a FedEx pilot.

Thats not true.. When NW kicked all their MX to the street a lot of them went to the hub and worked for a little over a yr and were able to move into other jobs like line MX or elsewhere. Now I heard at UPS that is the case but not at FX. Thankfully I never had to go down that road and was hired off the street into Maintenance Control. But yes to get a pilot job you need a pilot recommendation,
Thats not true.. When NW kicked all their MX to the street a lot of them went to the hub and worked for a little over a yr and were able to move into other jobs like line MX or elsewhere. Now I heard at UPS that is the case but not at FX. Thankfully I never had to go down that road and was hired off the street into Maintenance Control. But yes to get a pilot job you need a pilot recommendation,

Well, you are talking about a whole different ball of wax, MX. MX is a different world and still in demand and always will be. If I had to do it again, MX it would be!
Well, you are talking about a whole different ball of wax, MX. MX is a different world and still in demand and always will be. If I had to do it again, MX it would be!

Well don't be fooled. Unfortunately MX is not very different from pilots in the fact that unless you are with a top company the pay is pretty poor. Only difference is that unless uncle sam paid for your flight training you guys have a bigger tab to pay back. Also most airlines are farming out a lot of their MX work overseas. When I worked for NW they used to like to close maintenance outstations so we (unlike pilots who can commute) were forced to sell our houses and move to another domicle only to have the company open the former station back up. All airlines play this game..So most of us are forced to live in crappy cities and large urban areas if we want to stay in this game. I really think the smart ones got out of aviation completely. I was already living in MEM when I was with NW because it was a cheaper cost of living. Thankfully I was here at the home of FedEx and was able to secure a job with big purple. But do I like living here? NO WAY! This has got to be the worst area I have ever lived in and I have lived all over the country. Hell I got robbed at gunpoint right in front of my house. But I take the good with the bad I have good friends and a somewhat stable job with a good company so I feel blessed in a lot of ways. But if YOU had to do it again I wouldn't advise a career in MX either. Did I say career? I remember a profound statement made by a NWA Capt...He said WE have careers you just have jobs. I always try to remember