good job with aviation degree and...?


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I'm trying to find anyone out there that has an aviation degree and can say it has helped them in another field. I'm considering going back to school and getting another bachelors degree in some-sort (?) of engineering. What kind of engineering degree would fit into the same file as my aviation degree if any? Thanks for advice in advance. PM if necessary.
I'm trying to find anyone out there that has an aviation degree and can say it has helped them in another field. I'm considering going back to school and getting another bachelors degree in some-sort (?) of engineering. What kind of engineering degree would fit into the same file as my aviation degree if any? Thanks for advice in advance. PM if necessary.

Mechanical or Electrical Engineers have historically done pretty well, it takes a lot of them to build airplanes.
I'm trying to find anyone out there that has an aviation degree and can say it has helped them in another field. I'm considering going back to school and getting another bachelors degree in some-sort (?) of engineering. What kind of engineering degree would fit into the same file as my aviation degree if any? Thanks for advice in advance. PM if necessary.
you have an aviation degree?
you have an aviation degree?

Yes, and unfortunately so far it has not done much outside of it's field. Bottom line is that everyone seem to be wanting skilled personal with years of experience and no willingness to teach or train on the job these days. For example, I went to this one company that had the local new broadcast that they were hiring. They really made it sound like they were hurting for workers in a machine shop. I have a small amount of knowledge in this field and thought it would be a good chance for me. I started my first day with good pay and the first thing they do is give me this intricate shaft with blue print to turn on a lathe as a test. No one was allowed to help. I was about half way through turning and half the day was over. They told me my time was up (not knowing I was being timed) and that I should have the shaft completed by now. I did the best I could and I walked away with $60 in hand. :dunno: Their help wanted sign stayed up for about a year....WHAT?

For the bigger picture, going back to school seems like the only way to go for anyone and increase their debts by taking out more student loans in only hope they will be a job awaiting them when they get out in order to pay of now both of them. I understand everything is a risk but in these hard times it's hard to say what will become of something in only 6 months. I hate the idea of taking out another student loan but there has got to be something more for me than flipping burgers.

I'm gonna look further into mechanical engineering for sure. Thanks drunkenbeagle.
Splash, I'm in the exact same boat. If you come up with something, let me know! Right now, i'm trying to stick it out as a CFI till I can figure something out or until something better comes along.
Yea unfortuanley aviation degrees are pretty much worth about as much as the paper they are printed on. And thats in a good economy. I would suggest the business field. It will open up alot of areas for you. Problem with engineering is that if you dont stick with it and actually work as a engineer you degree will be worthless. If you go fly for 15 years loose your medical and want to get a job, so much will have changed in engineering that you wont get a job. With busniess though some things change but that degree will still be worth something at that point.
Yea unfortuanley aviation degrees are pretty much worth about as much as the paper they are printed on. And thats in a good economy. I would suggest the business field. It will open up alot of areas for you. Problem with engineering is that if you dont stick with it and actually work as a engineer you degree will be worthless. If you go fly for 15 years loose your medical and want to get a job, so much will have changed in engineering that you wont get a job. With busniess though some things change but that degree will still be worth something at that point.

The only problem is that going for a business seems very boring and most of it is simply common sense. What are some of the areas that it will open up?

Thanks for the input.
Splash, I'm in the exact same boat. If you come up with something, let me know! Right now, i'm trying to stick it out as a CFI till I can figure something out or until something better comes along.

I can't pull together the money to finish up my CFI. How long do you think it takes to make that money back CFIing (my written(s) are complete)?
I can't pull together the money to finish up my CFI. How long do you think it takes to make that money back CFIing (my written(s) are complete)?

I haven't had that much luck CFIing. Maybe I just live in areas with not alot of flight training. My average monthly income is about 1k. Barely enough to live off of. I do occasionally have a good month but for the most part I fly around 30-40 a month. Hope this helps.
The only problem is that going for a business seems very boring and most of it is simply common sense. What are some of the areas that it will open up?

With a busniess degree you can pretty much get hired anywhere. Some the more sought after sub degrees in the business field are finance and international busniess. International business requires you to learn a forgein language. Every company need managers to run the business. One common misconception is that the managers used to be the floor workers. Say you go to work for a bio tech company. The managers there will have a idea what the company does but they generally aren't former bio-engineers. Being a manager requires certain skill sets that is different from the techical workers in the company. While it seems that most of business classes would be common sense they really arent. I hold a Bachelors in business Admin with a focus on efficency. My M.B.A I am working on also is focusing on efficency. So the majority of what I am doing is looking at how companies can cut cost but still run at the same production level. The cool thing about a business degree is you can focus on whatever area of business that interest you.
I have an aviation degree and I can't even get a job at Wal-Mart. The only call backs I get are from commission-based sales scams. Everyone wants someone with years of experience. It's dismal out there.
I have an aviation degree and I can't even get a job at Wal-Mart. The only call backs I get are from commission-based sales scams. Everyone wants someone with years of experience. It's dismal out there.

Exactly. I was starting to get the feeling that somewhere on my resume I had the words "dumb ass" written on it or just the worst luck ever. I mean, what can you do right? School or military seems like the only route and I'm too old for the military. Not that I'm the military type guy at all I have still thought about it. I picked a bad week to quit methamphetamines, lol.
I have an aviation degree and I can't even get a job at Wal-Mart. The only call backs I get are from commission-based sales scams. Everyone wants someone with years of experience. It's dismal out there.

I also have looked into becoming a controller couple years ago also. Same problem as the military, over 30 and you're too old.
I applied PUBNAT 8, but I've heard there's less than a 5% chance of getting hired from that announcement. At least I'm not over 30. I'm 23, and I just moved from my home in Michigan to my parents house in Georgia because I can't find a friggin' job. My aviation degree is USELESS. I've been in so many interviews where it was going good until they looked at the "Education" segment of my resume: "Aviation?!?! What the heck is that?!"

I've thought about going back to school, but I don't have the money to do so. I don't have the credit history to get a private loan, and federal loans won't cover the cost of out-of-state tuition I'd have to pay in Georgia, because I'm from Michigan and just moved to the state.
I applied PUBNAT 8, but I've heard there's less than a 5% chance of getting hired from that announcement. At least I'm not over 30. I'm 23, and I just moved from my home in Michigan to my parents house in Georgia because I can't find a friggin' job. My aviation degree is USELESS. I've been in so many interviews where it was going good until they looked at the "Education" segment of my resume: "Aviation?!?! What the heck is that?!"

I've thought about going back to school, but I don't have the money to do so. I don't have the credit history to get a private loan, and federal loans won't cover the cost of out-of-state tuition I'd have to pay in Georgia, because I'm from Michigan and just moved to the state.

lol, yeah, they look at the aviation degree and say, "this guy is not going to last long, he is going to get right back into flying as soon as he can and this is just a crutch now for him". Fail! Sometimes I leave it off my resume or application.

...and because you already have a 4 yr degree in something say good bye to any grants if you're thinking about going back to school. Maybe the guys that read this that are getting an aviation degree will play it smart and leave there aviation degree with only one credit away from graduation so they could still get grants when they get out and find nothing there. :dunno: What they don't tell you before you start an aviation degree is how much it can back fire on your ass. You know, the general public views the pilot as such a glorified job and why would you want to leave that easy good paying job for this job.

Sorry for the rant but sometimes I just have to get it all off my chest because nothing has changed a bit from the last time I have said things such as this.
lol, yeah, they look at the aviation degree and say, "this guy is not going to last long, he is going to get right back into flying as soon as he can and this is just a crutch now for him". Fail! Sometimes I leave it off my resume or application.

...and because you already have a 4 yr degree in something say good bye to any grants if you're thinking about going back to school. Maybe the guys that read this that are getting an aviation degree will play it smart and leave there aviation degree with only one credit away from graduation so they could still get grants when they get out and find nothing there. :dunno: What they don't tell you before you start an aviation degree is how much it can back fire on your ass. You know, the general public views the pilot as such a glorified job and why would you want to leave that easy good paying job for this job.

Sorry for the rant but sometimes I just have to get it all off my chest because nothing has changed a bit from the last time I have said things such as this.

Rant on, brother. I know exactly how you feel. People still think it's so easy to get a flying job: "UPS is hiring pilots, why don't you do that?"

There is NOTHING out there. NOTHING. All I can do is keep applying and hope I find SOMETHING, even if it's just Burger King or something along those lines.
UPS or Fed Ex... That sounds like my father alright! "They always hire extra people during the holidays for help so get in like that and once you get in the system they might put you on as a pilot when they need one." :rotfl:
Here's a cheesy lyric I'm coming up with off the top of my head for Weird Al in place of the song "Sign" by the cheesy band called Tesla.

jobs, jobs tell me where's the jobs.
all these aplications I fill out, breaking my mind.
fill out this fill out that, still no freaking job.

Mr. Obama, yeah I voted for you.
had some small hope, but tell me now what to do.
sadkldhh fjiojfskdl;auiofj jafs (writers block that's the end for now, :laff:) I won't make you suffer anymore.
There's always law school. That's where I'm going if I don't have something better by next fall.