going into business after school


Well-Known Member
When you receive your airframe or powerplant or both A&P license from a 147 school, could you start your own business afterwards? (servicing general aviation, piston and/or turbine aircaft)

* Please kindly note, I do not want a feasibilty discussion on whether going into business is a good idea. Just a yes or no as to whether you can start up on your own in GA when qualified.
Sure you could, but the learning curve is probably going to be pretty steep. It would definitely be better to work at a shop for a couple years and decide what you like and don't like.
Sure. You will get your temporary first if you want to work on aircraft, then after a few weeks, you will get the plastic with your A&P number on it. That is what you use when you perform work on aircraft and you sign it and use your number. Somehow when you start work, you might end up being under the supervision of someone until the FAA gives you your permanent one with your number.

As for running a business, you may need some help from some pros to get some advice.