Getting a CFI job after long flying absence


Well-Known Member
Was hoping to get your thoughts, ideas, suggestions about getting back to instructing, with the intent to build hours for an eventual fulltime 121/135 job, after a 6yr absence from flying. I stopped flying with about 1100hrs, (mostly instructing) because of family and other issues.

After I'm current, what would a flight school want to see to hire me?

Right now really just be current, have a CFI and being willing to move will get you a CFI job with very little trouble. With 1100 hrs you won't have to instruct very long to move up. You might be able to go straight to a right seat 135 job but I think you would have a lot more options if you are currently working as a CFI and have six months of full time flying under your belt. I know several people currently looking for CFI's PM me if you want some contacts.
I just reinstated my CFI after a long hiatus. I was out of the instructing game for about 8 years (bought a run down house/got a masters degree, etc). I found a local flight school to get me ramped up and ready for the reinstatement check ride. I passed the ride on a Saturday morning and they had me filling out the HR stuff on Saturday afternoon. I'm currently a weekend warrior flying nights and weekends. They've been keeping me pretty busy. It seems the other instructors they have on staff don't like working nights and weekends...which is great for me (and them).

Anyway, I'm in the Chicagoland area and I've noticed that a lot of schools around here are looking for CFI's. I've also noticed that they've had a hard time finding them. Depending on the area that you're living in I'd bet it'd take an afternoon of driving around with a stack of resumes in order for you to find a job.

Another buddy of mine also got a job at a pilot mill type flight school in the Pacific North West. He applied, got a call back immediately, had a phone interview and was offered the job. He took it about 8 months ago and is about to start applying to the regionals.

It's a way different environment than when I graduated college in the early 2000's.

Good Luck!!
Many of the active CFIs from six months ago are flying Regional Jets now and their replacements have been hard to find. You won't have any trouble finding a place to instruct.
Just an update...Since posting, I have had 3 instructing job offers locally and took one three weeks ago. Also got a call from a regional airline that I applied to! Just need to time-build some at this point and study daily for the eventual ATP written.
Just an update...Since posting, I have had 3 instructing job offers locally and took one three weeks ago. Also got a call from a regional airline that I applied to! Just need to time-build some at this point and study daily for the eventual ATP written.
That's awesome news!! I figured it wouldn't be that hard to find some work.
Just an update...Since posting, I have had 3 instructing job offers locally and took one three weeks ago. Also got a call from a regional airline that I applied to! Just need to time-build some at this point and study daily for the eventual ATP written.
@ozziecat35 - jobs available for flight instructors!! ;)