Well-Known Member
Funniest thing happened today...I mentioned to a friend that I have been flying an awful lot lately and wondered when something was going to sneak up and happen to me in the air. Well, as luck would have it tonite would be the night. i went out for some pattern work in the arrow after dark. I took off and turned left downwind. abeam the numbers i dropped the gear....butonly two greens. the right main wasnt lighting up. so, i recycled the gear. again, same thing. by this time i am extended downwind so i advise tower. they authorize a flyby, but it is too dark for them to see. so, i climb back out and continue trouble shooting. i recyle the gear again...same thing. i check the bulbs. i try fishtailing and slipping the airplane while on downwind. Tower has a helicopter in the pattern who is trying to get a look at me. AS i turn base for my 2nd flyby the light flickers continuously. i slow to about 80knots abeam the tower and as i add full power and pull up the light comes on. by now the helicopter is trailing me and i advise i have green but would like visual confirmation. as i cross a lit parking lot they noted thre was "something hanging down". so, i said i would take her home.....landing was as soft as i could make it and i rolled out slowly. wheni got in the fbo they said they could hear the ground controller telling other a/c they might need to close the runway. i thanked the controller, and he told me to thank god. definitely not the way i wanted my first pseudo-emergency to happen--alone at night---but couldnt have asked for a better outcome. But on a sour note, the arrow is the only complex plane in our flight looks like i am putting off that checkride for a while.