Gauging Interest - Math for Pilots


So, for a long time this thread has been pretty much dead - especially compared to what it used to be, so I figured I would gauge some interest.

For years I've been saying that pilots don't know enough math (some do, this isn't for you). Beyond that, I've found that a lot of guys don't really care to learn any more math (this isn't for you either). For those that want to understand more math than the arithmetic they learned to pass the ATP written, then promptly forgot, or those that want to understand why certain rules of thumb work, or where the 1/2 comes from at the beginning of the lift equation...well this is for you.

I've been thinking about writing a "math for pilots" book that goes through basic math through Calc one while remaining firmly within the context of aviation.

If anyone would be interested I'll write it here in the technical talk forum, then probably self-publish on Amazon or something. Regardless, I have been a part of this community for 10 years, so I feel like anything I produce should be free to this community, and if there's any interest I'll slowly get cracking while I'm not doing homework.

Also, feel free to critique or otherwise tell me I'm full of crap - in fact I'd appreciate it!
So, for a long time this thread has been pretty much dead - especially compared to what it used to be, so I figured I would gauge some interest.

For years I've been saying that pilots don't know enough math (some do, this isn't for you). Beyond that, I've found that a lot of guys don't really care to learn any more math (this isn't for you either). For those that want to understand more math than the arithmetic they learned to pass the ATP written, then promptly forgot, or those that want to understand why certain rules of thumb work, or where the 1/2 comes from at the beginning of the lift equation...well this is for you.

I've been thinking about writing a "math for pilots" book that goes through basic math through Calc one while remaining firmly within the context of aviation.

If anyone would be interested I'll write it here in the technical talk forum, then probably self-publish on Amazon or something. Regardless, I have been a part of this community for 10 years, so I feel like anything I produce should be free to this community, and if there's any interest I'll slowly get cracking while I'm not doing homework.

Also, feel free to critique or otherwise tell me I'm full of crap - in fact I'd appreciate it!

I am 100% in favor of you doing this. I will even contribute to some of your efforts to doing this. I'm pretty sure I'm ALMOST your target audience, but what I lack in background I will make up in enthusiasm.
A lot of pilot math is already in Everything Explained for the Professional pilot.

I have it, and have read it cover to cover at least a 5 times...not much beyond basic arithmetic in there - lots of great mental math, but that's not what this book will be.
I would suggest writing it for the lowest common denominator (Pun not intended and nothing to do with the fact that I am a helicopter pilot).

But seriously. There is a lot of math I just don't remember from my schooling. A lot of your target market is going to be the same way. You're basically writing a "For Dummies" book (It's for pilots after all). Who by the way might publish it for you.
Math? That sounds like odds, and don't you ever tell me the odds.

(Stolen quote from some nerf herder pilot and aviators sig)

I'd find a book like that interesting. And I second your feelings on Euler's identity.
I love math! Makes those glide slope dipping morons look like, well, morons.

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There's a Russian saying that "A Pilot should be dumb, courageous and be able to freely count to ten".

I'd probably buy a couple of copies and rent them out for $1.25 a day or $9.99 a week special.

Here's the outline I typed up:

Should pilots learn more math?
What is this book?
What this book isn’t.
If I know “x,” what sections can I skip to learn “y” without being lost?
How to use this book.

The Basics
What is mathematics (and why do you care)?
Problem Solving in General
Some neat history that relates directly to aviation.
Typical problems we solve daily without thinking about it.

When you “assume” you make an “ass” of “u” and “me.”
Wait, there are different types of numbers?
Operations on numbers?
Some basic rules (or “The FAR/AIM” of math).

What are variables?
Stupid Greeks and them being a part of everything in math and stuff.
Where did the letters come from?
No, but seriously, stop using letters – I thought we were talking about numbers?
Garbage in Garbage out (or, math is like programming a really crappy FMS)
The dreaded “time speed distance” problem (or how to moon the competition).
Time to climb, time to descend, speed, etc. really these are all the same problem.
Word problems in “real life.”
Why flying is probably a bad investment.
Shapes and lines in the sky.
The Russian fuel-leak problem.

WTF? Why don’t mathematicians use degrees?
The unit circle is a terrible compass.
What the hell are sine and cosine?
Vectors? What, you mean to final?
Throw away your E6B.
Pi = 3 for low values of pi.
Where the hell am I?
Phugoids, Stability, PIO, and trying not to crash spectacularly.
Crashing spectacularly.
Why maps suck (or rhumb line? Do I need to see a doctor about that?)
The navigation problem.
Mashing direct, then enter, then enter again.
Aspen in the simulator.

Calculus Concepts
Remember when we talked about time, speed, and distance?
History, or I’m seriously glad Isaac Newton rarely (if ever) got laid.
Leibniz versus Newton.
What the hell is a derivative?
What the hell is an integral?
Complying with 91.15 (or DIY Norden Bombsight)
How spaghetti charts are made.
Takeoff and landing distance.
Vx, Vy, and stuff.
In thrust we trust.
Big chart of mathy-stuff
Ok, this is neat, where do I go to learn more?

You need a whole chapter on
Stop saying DeCeleration, you're going make the universe implode.

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