Free lunch and seminar at KADS March 7th

Anybody wanna go?

I figure hell, you cant beat free!

Depends upon the length of the seminar as well as the topic. If the seminar is about the history of the womens movement and lasts for eight hours I think it would be a pretty high price for a free lunch. If you could provide some detail on the type of seminar and length you may get people interested. Just a thought.
Depends upon the length of the seminar as well as the topic. If the seminar is about the history of the womens movement and lasts for eight hours I think it would be a pretty high price for a free lunch. If you could provide some detail on the type of seminar and length you may get people interested. Just a thought.

I thought I put it in the name of my thread. whoops :banghead:

its a basic IFR course seminar.