Fracs. and Tips


Well-Known Member
Just curious how many of the fractional guys/gals have recieved tips from their customers upon reaching the destination? I have seen this happen on occassion and the amounts are usually quite good (ie: $100 per pilot). Also, if you have recieved tips, how often does it happen.

Bored and just curious!
I flew B350 charter and got tipped every once in a while. Kind of rare though. Id watch the owner tip the line guy 50-100 dollars who helped with their 3 bags for about 2 min, if there were two line guys, they each got it.

Me, who got him there through whatever crappy weather was around...nuttin. He is nicest most awesome person to fly with and hang around but I always shook my head at this. I don't know if he felt that it would be an insult? That tipping is only for low wage people? I dunno. He was super nice guy but when I watched him dole out 200-300 dollars for these guys I felt like telling him to just let me get all his bags, id gladly do it for 20.00!

On charter trips, Id also watch out the left cockpit window, my copilot get a 100 dollar bill, but say nothing to me about it. Yea, he was a piece of work.
I flew B350 charter and got tipped every once in a while. Kind of rare though. Id watch the owner tip the line guy 50-100 dollars who helped with their 3 bags for about 2 min, if there were two line guys, they each got it.

Me, who got him there through whatever crappy weather was around...nuttin. He is nicest most awesome person to fly with and hang around but I always shook my head at this. I don't know if he felt that it would be an insult? That tipping is only for low wage people? I dunno. He was super nice guy but when I watched him dole out 200-300 dollars for these guys I felt like telling him to just let me get all his bags, id gladly do it for 20.00!

On charter trips, Id also watch out the left cockpit window, my copilot get a 100 dollar bill, but say nothing to me about it. Yea, he was a piece of work.

That would not sit too well with me! I think after the second or third time I would have to cassualy bring it up. I would not make a big deal about it, but if you could some how get on that topic and ask "you know, we see these line guys getting tips all of the time, have you every recieved one for getting someone to their destination"? If he says no, well, then you know what type of individual you are working with! Although, I figure you already knew with this individual!
Never get anything here in India and I do fly the most wealthy people in this country. To me though, if they do, they do, if not, so what. It's their choice and they are paying good money to get this certain service. Of course in this country, tipping a waiter 20 rupies (40 cents) if really good lol.

I flew B350 charter and got tipped every once in a while. Kind of rare though.

On charter trips, Id also watch out the left cockpit window, my copilot get a 100 dollar bill, but say nothing to me about it. Yea, he was a piece of work.


Is this why you have to slap FOs around in India ? :laff::laff:
Happens sometimes out here in Russia. The owner and his executives have been known to tip the crew 500 Euros for a trip. More often though they take the crew out for a big dinner or a pro sports match. They take really good care of us.
We have just a couple of regulars that tip (most don't, and that's OK). One guy tips $50 per pilot, and another one tips $100 each.

Rarely we'll get tips on charter flights, too. Largest I ever saw was $500 for the two of us.
Technically at most (or maybe all?) fracs, you aren't supposed to accept tips.

It happens occasionally. Owners know they are not supposed to tip, so if they insist, well... you have a decision to make. Violate company policy or be disrespectful to the tipper. I've... heard of... tips ranging anywhere from $50-$200 each.

Don't go to a frac because you think you'll make tips. 8/10 times, you'll personally unload eight peoples' bags from every nook and cranny on the airplane in some tropical/exotic destination, and as you're loading them into the ground transportation in the sweltering heat, a passenger is peeling off $20's or $50's and doling them out to the line guys who were standing around watching. :)
Technically at most (or maybe all?) fracs, you aren't supposed to accept tips.

It happens occasionally. Owners know they are not supposed to tip, so if they insist, well... you have a decision to make. Violate company policy or be disrespectful to the tipper. I've... heard of... tips ranging anywhere from $50-$200 each.

Don't go to a frac because you think you'll make tips. 8/10 times, you'll personally unload eight peoples' bags from every nook and cranny on the airplane in some tropical/exotic destination, and as you're loading them into the ground transportation in the sweltering heat, a passenger is peeling off $20's or $50's and doling them out to the line guys who were standing around watching. :)

I use to try to unload stuff before the line guys showed up just to see if they would still type the line guy, and yeap they would for doing nothing. So everything he says is correct.
Don't go to a frac because you think you'll make tips. 8/10 times, you'll personally unload eight peoples' bags from every nook and cranny on the airplane in some tropical/exotic destination, and as you're loading them into the ground transportation in the sweltering heat, a passenger is peeling off $20's or $50's and doling them out to the line guys who were standing around watching. :)

Yep, this happens at lot at the frac where I fly as well . . . I just smile and load the bags!

As far as tips for the crews, I have seen them on average about twice a year. Not a whole lot, but a nice surprise when it happens.
A expat buddy of mine here in India once got a royal enfield motorcycle as a tip from Brad Pitt. He fly's a G4 though.
