Forum Software Change?

Democracy? Capitalist stooge! This is a dictatorship! ...of the Proletariat!
Roger that
I'll get 'er ready
Yes new software update. No we were unable to stay on the previous version because of security reasons. Yes I'll be working out bugs because of the sheer size of the "beast".
The only hiccup I noticed was that I had to log back in, but that's not really a hiccup I guess.

I really like the new layout. It's much easier to mark single forums as "read."

If there's one thing I've learned about pilots, it's that they hateeee change.
Nah, we just like to complain. :D
Things like this really remind me how lucky we are to have this place. I think it's pretty amazing we have an active webmaster that basically runs his own little community with zero expectations from the rest of us mooches to contribute anything beyond snarky comments and well-intentioned jabs at his efforts. Thank you @Derg, this really is special and your tireless efforts, while perhaps mostly under-noticed, are not unappreciated :D

And I love the new format btw.