Flying right seat as PIC

That's the exact layout as the POH I listed. So you're saying because no PFD panel on the right side? I don't know about that. What about all the GA aircraft with only a six pack on the left side?

And dosn't it restrict the PIC to the left side if the POH specifically says "in the left seat"? Seems like a silly limitation but who am I to argue with the manufacture.
What if you are a flight instructor in the airplane? Who is the acting PIC and where would he be?:p:panic:

So, what I read is you must have at least one pilot left seat. It does not say PIC, SIC, or any other designation you can think of.

Just my $0.02
And dosn't it restrict the PIC to the left side if the POH specifically says "in the left seat"? Seems like a silly limitation but who am I to argue with the manufacture.

Are we talking a pilot in the left seat (as in someone physically sitting there), or does the acting/logging PIC have to be sitting there? I think that might be the tempo confusion here.
And dosn't it restrict the PIC to the left side if the POH specifically says "in the left seat"? Seems like a silly limitation but who am I to argue with the manufacture.

No it doesn't restrict the PIC to the left seat. If you are occupying the airplane at the minimum required flight crew then the one pilot will automatically be the PIC. The PIC can also be an instructor or demo pilot who is the designated PIC with a "student" (read: new owner) in the left seat.
Okay, well the situation is this.

I fly the owner of that airplane (Piper Matrix) around and he sits in the left seat while I sit in the right. He's a student pilot, so I guess that would make us legal being that he is a "pilot'.

Thanks for the input guys. :)
Okay, well the situation is this.

I fly the owner of that airplane (Piper Matrix) around and he sits in the left seat while I sit in the right. He's a student pilot, so I guess that would make us legal being that he is a "pilot'.

Thanks for the input guys. :)
Are you a current CFI? I would say you are probably safe since it does not say PIC/SIC, it just says pilot in the left seat. A Stud pilot is a pilot...

On the other hand, how are you guys logging it and what are your ratings?:panic:
Are you a current CFI? I would say you are probably safe since it does not say PIC/SIC, it just says pilot in the left seat. A Stud pilot is a pilot...

On the other hand, how are you guys logging it and what are your ratings?:panic:

I have an ATP and my CFI is not current. I'll be doing a reinstatement ride for my CFI next month.

The owner is not logging any of the time we spend flying.
That's the exact layout as the POH I listed. So you're saying because no PFD panel on the right side? I don't know about that. What about all the GA aircraft with only a six pack on the left side?
In some cases the screen of a PFD difficult to see from an angle. In other cases it might be the location of certain controls which would make reaching over from the right difficult.
I have an ATP and my CFI is not current. I'll be doing a reinstatement ride for my CFI next month.

The owner is not logging any of the time we spend flying.

I'd say until you reinstate your CFI the owner shouldn't be in the left seat.

The Caravan has the same limitation as the one you highlighted earlier on the Matrix. All the switches and all the CB's are on the left side and would be all but impossible to reach from the right seat if someone tried to solo from the right seat.
In other cases it might be the location of certain controls which would make reaching over from the right difficult.

Citation emergency brake handle location is an example.

Thanks for the input guys. We probably wont fly together until I reinstate my CFI. We only fly the Matrix about once a month. He also has a King Air I fly, which I fly from the left seat.

As far as not being able to perform any functions from the right seat. The standby instruments are way over on the left side. If the PFD failed in IMC, I'd have the owner switch places with me as they are hard to read from the right seat.

Come to think of it, the King Air I fly has several switches on the left side that can only be operated from the left seat and yet no limitation in the POH.