Floaters in your eyes?

floaters are really common...nothing more than some loose/dead cells floating around in the fluid of your eyes. not a big deal.
hmmm this is interesting conversation about the floaters. i have the same thing, only with another lil twist. about every 6 months, i'll have an onset of floaters kinda like what you guys are describing. they are kind of V shaped, and almost look like electrical impulses....zig zagging and with a strobe pattern. it usually lasts about 30 minutes, and they kinda move to the left..until they are gone. during that part of it.....a good part of my vision is gone. like if im looking directly at you...i'll only see half of your face. once the floaters are gone.....about 10 minutes later...i get a bad headache and really bad nausea. headache goes away with tylenol...but the nausea stays all day. i have a friend that has similar symptoms.....and she was diagnosed with migraines....the floaters being like an "aura". my headache isnt really severe though when it happens, and i dont have the light sensitivity or other severe symptoms people with severe migraines experience.
Yeah every now and then I see them. Once upon a time someone told me that they were from stress...but if that was the case then I should be seeing them all the time. I always thought that it was weird seeing microscopic worms in my eyes while looking up. But you just learn to live with it. It kind of looks like two sperms hitting head on.:insane:
I asked the AME about floaters on Friday. I had them too for a while and was very freaked out. They looked like something you would see under a microscope, and I thought that I had permanently damaged my eyesight from looking at too much porn.

He said they are exceedingly more common than most people think, and come and go, and are in no way exempting from a 1st class medical.

Mine disappeared a few months ago. I got my medical no problem.
I had my eyes checked out not to long ago. The optomatrist couldnt see them. They didnt show up on the retinal scan either. I do have 20/12 vision though. Kick ass on that part I guess. She thought the reason such tiny floaters were visible to me was because of my good vision.

How long did it take for the ones you guys have/had to go away. Im going on about 4 months now with the same ones still in my vision. They dont move around, they stay in the same place. I think I have all of the same ones at least. I know of at least two. I see them occasionally when I drive, looking from the dash board then to just above the horizon. They dont bother me in the air yet. Probalby because Im busy. I still really only see them if I try to. Sometimes one will catch my attention, but not often. All I know, is these things really need to start going away. Like right now. They are starting to get pretty frustrating.