
Hey, I'm American and I think a lot of the best stuff comes from overseas. Like electronics, clothes, and autos. Stuff made here is too expensive. Long live free trade!! Except for my job, which should be constitutionally and legally protected from ever being moved offshore

So are you one of the Americans that think if it is made in America that it has to be better? If so, you are mistaken.
Also, to emphasize what Iain said, look at how many companies are buying their aircraft, enough said.

[/ QUOTE ]

I always had the opposite mentality
Well since I started this thread I think that I should defend my position. Yes I do prefer Boeing to Airbus but not because Boeing is simply American made and Airbus is European.

My made pro Boeing argument is that I really don't like the "side stick controller" found on all Airbus aircraft. I like most pilots prefer a "control column" between my legs. Call me traditional or simply old fashion but it's what I prefer. Just like I greatly prefer the F/A-Hornet to the F-16. The F/A-18 has a more traditional "yoke" and the F-16 like most Airbus aircraft has a side stick controller "joystick".

Also as ERAU explained Airbus planes are totally automated a friend of mine is a flight attendend for UAL and he works on A320's and says that Airbus programs there planes to not be able to bank more then 35 degrees.

Also ona lesser topic I find Boeing aircraft to look far more "attractive" then Airbus aircraft. The B-757 just has a very sexy attractive face.

Sad fact pilots aren't really pilots anymore more of "system engineers" these days and tho Boeing has only the 777 with FBW I believe all future planes they make will be FBW aircraft. Anyway really I didn't mean to make this a Airbus verses Boeing thread just simply voicing my opinion.
Oh yeah before I forget I do like the A320 family my favorite being the larger A321. But I think the A320 family pales greatly in direct comparison to the B-757.
Have you ever flown an aircraft with a joystick?

It's not nearly as bad as you think. You get great control response, and the stick dosen't take up much room.
I've flown the joystick on the Cirrus SR-22, and it's a breeeze to use. Only took me a minute or two and I felt comfortable with it. I like all three controllers I've flown, side-stick, center yoke and stick. All are ok and all make the aircraft go up/down, left/right.

So Gaypilot, have you flown many F-16's or Hornets perhaps? Is that how you "greatly prefer the Hornet"? How about the Airbus? I've noticed in the past you seem to be very oppinionated towards different aircraft and subjects etc. You know, "this sucks, that sucks". You sound like you speak from actual experience. Are you a student pilot? Or perhaps a military jock? What's the word of your vast experience and oppinion?
Well actually SkyKingRon I can't much say that I have flown either a F/A-18 Hornet or a F-16 or an Airbus. But I sure wouldn't mind. I do read quite alot tho. Just this month there was an issue of some aircraft mag. where a pilot who both flew F-18's and F-16's compared the two to each other. Some of you might have saw it or read it.

He preferred that F/A-18 as well. But I don't form my opinion just from what that magazine article had said. As I had formed my opinion long ago. In addition to the fact that the F-16 uses a "side stick" it only has one engine. The F/A-18 hornet just looks "sweeter". My cousin lives in PHX. and he told me that just this week 2 F-16's crashed in the Arizona desert. Seems it's been all over the news lately.

Yes F/A-18's do crash also but I think there is more of a chance to save the plane and the pilot if you have two engines verses just one.

I haven't flown any Airbus aircraft as I'm only 18. 19 on July the first guys (e-mail me and I'll give you the address to send the money and gifts too). I may be young and very opinionated but I am allowed my opinion right?

Maybe saying Airbus suck was a lil hasty but I do like them there not bad aircraft. I just greatly prefer Boeing aircraft more especially the B-757. But as mentioned earlier I do like the A320 family and kinda like the A330 and the A380 is looking really nice.

Lastly I did once want to join the military. I wanted to join either the Air Force or the Navy and fly F-15's or F-22's or F/A-18 Super Hornets. But there is this thing called "don't ask, don't tell". So my future hopes of being this lean mean masculine fighter jock were dashed. But I am a Private Pilot and currently working on my "Instrument Rating".
Holy cow! Dude, do you understand the concept of "Dont ask, dont tell?" You wanna be a fighter pilot, go for it! If you dont try, you will never know if you could have made it. The dont ask dont tell thing just means, that there are gays in the military, THEY JUST DONT TALK ABOUT IT. I grew up in the Air Force, and believe it or not, I knew a few guys who were gay. But you know what? They didnt go around broadcasting it! Just like, I dont go around telling everyone IM STRAIGHT. Nobody cares. Anyway, expressing your opinion is fine man, but just think it a little more before you express it. I personally knew alot of F-16 pilots, who loved the aircraft. The sidestick is actually very helpful, as it gets your arms out of the way and allows an unobstructed view of the instruments, and under high G loadings you dont have to hold your arm up like you would in an F-18. You can just let it lay on the armrest behind the stick. This helps to reduce fatigue. Which is your absoulte enemy in a combat scenario. The layout, while unconventional, supposedly makes it easier to fight in the aircraft. But then again I am no expert. Just my 2 cents.
Dude, if you want to go into the military, go for it. Remember, it is "don't ask, don't tell." So don't tell them that you are gay, and they won't ask you.

Now that you have a shot at going that route, you ought to go for it. You do not want to regret not taking your shot for the rest of your life.
Gaypilot, good for you. Your young and have quite bit of knowledge for someone your age. That's great. Keep reading and using this and other aviation forums, for they have alot of info to garner. Your way ahead of others your age in matters aviation. Obviously you have a passion for it. It's also to your advantage to ask questions, for this is how we learn, and you are wise that you do.

Thanks to your forum question on "flaps" and the good responses, I now have increased my knowledge of airline flaps and some wing design consideration.

I too think the Hornet looks cooler. I have one of those Phillipine wood, hand painted models on my computer desk above me.

ERAU made some good points about joining the military. Go for it.
Dude, if you want to go into the military, go for it. Remember, it is "don't ask, don't tell." So don't tell them that you are gay, and they won't ask you.

[/ QUOTE ]
Guess ya'll missed the thread where he describes himself as "so gay that it can be seen from the International Space Station"... or something to that effect.

That being the case, I'd say his fears of entering the less-than-tolerant world of the military (towards homosexuality) are warranted. Sad though. Here's a guy that truly wants to serve, but can't because of somebody elses homophobia and the reasons they come up with why gays can't serve.

ANYWAY.... thought I'd lend ya a hand there gaypilot and save any more of these "dude, if you really want to serve - go for it" responses.
Yeah, me too. Guess I got a little excited, its just that I wanted to join the Air Force as a pilot, but my history of childhood asthma makes that impossible. Please, no words of encouragement here, I have checked into it thoroughly. Anyway, so when I see an individual with the drive to achieve what I cannot, and the ability to do it, it kind of gears me up. However, to those who feel that gaypilot needs protection from those of us who wish to lend a word of encouragement, buzz off. There are too many pessimisitc people in this world.
B.T.W. the A320 bank angle limit is 67 degrees, not 35. If anyone is interested in the operation of the A320 you should order those Capt. Alan Dix videos. They are excellent, and can be found at the back of any airliner magazine. I used to be afraid of the automation in the A320 but after seeing these videos I actually like the airplane(and hope to fly one one day).