Well-Known Member
Yesterday I was able to take my first solo flight. This event has been long awaited as my next flight was supposed to be a solo when Uncle Sam decided to activate me and deploy me for 5 months. Five months of awaiting the solo and knowing when I returned I would have to take a few flights just to freshen up frustrated me . . . but I took it with a grain of salt.
My fiance came out with me and went up with my instructor and I as we made sure I was ready to solo. I practiced steep turns and power-off stalls for the shear enjoyment of turning my fiance into a nervous wreck, but she handled it well except for the power-off stall. An emergency landing away from the airport, a few touch-and-goes at the field with an emergency landing thrown in there and we were good to go.
I parked the plane so my instructor could endorse what he needed to . . . then I was off. After a preflight, I strapped myself in, and took care of business. I didn't really get to realize he wasn't there as I was busy doing what I needed to do . . . After taxiing out, off I went . . . 'into the wild blue yonder.'
A little hectic, one plane and I were on a collision course but after contacting each other we got it sorted out. I was staying in the pattern for 3 touch-and-goes and he was coming in for a full stop on the runway crossing my active one . . . but he switched to my runway to stay on the same page, and to avoid each other he did a right pattern, me a left, and I told him I would extend downwind to give him space and time to land and get off the runway.
After my first landing, as I lifted off, the tower announced they were open and told me to stay in left pattern. There was a plane coming in on ILS approach tower cleared to land. Knowing this could be a problem, I contacted tower when I was "preparing to make left turn to base runway 26..." even though he told me to contact him as I turned into base. This helped him remember he had me . . . as he said "503 make this a quick final" meaning turn to final now. The plane coming on the ILS was too close and knew it so he told tower he would circle. I landed, took off and the other plane came in. Another potential hazard taken care of.
Traffic was quiet for my third approach and it showed in my landing as I think my final stop landing was the smoothest landing I will ever have in a 172.
It was nice to finally solo and know that up there by myself I have the smarts to get out of potential hazardous situations. I understand this doesn't make me hot stuff and that there will be other times . . . but it's coming along.
My fiance came out with me and went up with my instructor and I as we made sure I was ready to solo. I practiced steep turns and power-off stalls for the shear enjoyment of turning my fiance into a nervous wreck, but she handled it well except for the power-off stall. An emergency landing away from the airport, a few touch-and-goes at the field with an emergency landing thrown in there and we were good to go.
I parked the plane so my instructor could endorse what he needed to . . . then I was off. After a preflight, I strapped myself in, and took care of business. I didn't really get to realize he wasn't there as I was busy doing what I needed to do . . . After taxiing out, off I went . . . 'into the wild blue yonder.'
A little hectic, one plane and I were on a collision course but after contacting each other we got it sorted out. I was staying in the pattern for 3 touch-and-goes and he was coming in for a full stop on the runway crossing my active one . . . but he switched to my runway to stay on the same page, and to avoid each other he did a right pattern, me a left, and I told him I would extend downwind to give him space and time to land and get off the runway.
After my first landing, as I lifted off, the tower announced they were open and told me to stay in left pattern. There was a plane coming in on ILS approach tower cleared to land. Knowing this could be a problem, I contacted tower when I was "preparing to make left turn to base runway 26..." even though he told me to contact him as I turned into base. This helped him remember he had me . . . as he said "503 make this a quick final" meaning turn to final now. The plane coming on the ILS was too close and knew it so he told tower he would circle. I landed, took off and the other plane came in. Another potential hazard taken care of.
Traffic was quiet for my third approach and it showed in my landing as I think my final stop landing was the smoothest landing I will ever have in a 172.
It was nice to finally solo and know that up there by myself I have the smarts to get out of potential hazardous situations. I understand this doesn't make me hot stuff and that there will be other times . . . but it's coming along.