First lesson

I have always wanted to take a form of martial arts, as a matter of fact i am starting kung fu on the weekends, but my brazilian friends tell me to do the jiu jitsu. If anything, i am on Varsity Wrestling, what would be a good art for hand to hand combat?
Art in confines of cockpit - maybe. But most arts require at least some small amount of movement. Doesn't mean something couldn't be adapted but it would take some training (specialized within in whatever art is chosen).

Ju Jutsu is essentially a "wrestling" form. You'd probably transition into it with some ease. But remember, martial arts are martial arts and wrestling is wrestling. You have to keep the two seperate. In wrestling it's generally frowned upon to gounge someone's eyes out in order to get out of some kind of lock or hold. In ju jutsu it'd probably be a valid "counter."