Finding the proper POH


Well-Known Member
I thought this would be the best place to ask this question. Do any of you know where I can get a POH online? I am specifically looking for a POH for a 1972 Cessna 172M. The best place I found for Cessna POH's is, but the only 1972 POH they have is for a 172L. I know many people just have a generic POH for 172's, I am just trying to find the most accurate one. Any help anyone can offer would be appreciated

Also, just adding that I have also looked on Sportys website, and the earliest they have a manual for a 172M is 1973. I know that one may be similar, if not the exact same, I am just looking for the most accurate one I can find
I thought this would be the best place to ask this question. Do any of you know where I can get a POH online? I am specifically looking for a POH for a 1972 Cessna 172M. The best place I found for Cessna POH's is, but the only 1972 POH they have is for a 172L. I know many people just have a generic POH for 172's, I am just trying to find the most accurate one. Any help anyone can offer would be appreciated

Also, just adding that I have also looked on Sportys website, and the earliest they have a manual for a 172M is 1973. I know that one may be similar, if not the exact same, I am just looking for the most accurate one I can find


Just to clairfy, what you are looking for is an "Information Manual", which is a generic re-print of a POH or Owners Manual.

Pilot's Operating Handbooks are usually tied to a specific aircraft by serial number, and have appendixes and additions specific to that aircraft. Additionally, POHs were generally not published before 1975-76, when the GAMA standard took over. Aircraft manuals before that were typically called "pilot's handbooks" or "owners handbooks" and are considerably less detailed.

The 172M had it's first year in 1973. The L was made up until 1972. Airplanes are like cars, in that the date of the manufacture and the model year do not necessarily coincide. Check the serial number to be sure. Anything 17260759 and after is an M.

Thanks guys. Richman, I had not even thought of that fact. The airplane I'm looking at does have a serial number indicating it is a 172M (I looked the tail number up in the aircraft registry on the faa's website. The FAA's website also indicates manufacture year as 1972. I know this more than likely means it is a 1973 model then. Is there a way to determine this? I am wondering this, because MFR year and model year could then also be the same in certain circumstances, or different, as in my case. I am just wondering, as a renter of an airplane, I want to have the most accurate information available to me at any time, including when I am at my house when planning a flight. I guess I also did know that a POH is actually specific to that aircraft, I just still call an Information Manual a POH. Thank you again for the replies, and if anyone can answer how to find out model year, please tell me. I know I can ask the owner or look at the original POH, but I am just looking to order this online
[Thread Hijack] You weren't the one sitting in the back of the 182RG @ 15G during one of my commercial lessons were you? XLR99 (Andy) was the CFI [/HIJACK]
Thanks guys. Richman, I had not even thought of that fact. The airplane I'm looking at does have a serial number indicating it is a 172M (I looked the tail number up in the aircraft registry on the faa's website. The FAA's website also indicates manufacture year as 1972. I know this more than likely means it is a 1973 model then. Is there a way to determine this? I am wondering this, because MFR year and model year could then also be the same in certain circumstances, or different, as in my case. I am just wondering, as a renter of an airplane, I want to have the most accurate information available to me at any time, including when I am at my house when planning a flight. I guess I also did know that a POH is actually specific to that aircraft, I just still call an Information Manual a POH. Thank you again for the replies, and if anyone can answer how to find out model year, please tell me. I know I can ask the owner or look at the original POH, but I am just looking to order this online

Hi Cle,

Aircraft are sort of like cars, at least they were back then. In your case, the 73 models probably started showing up on the ramp around October of 72. IMO, serials are ALWAYS better to go by than model years. Cessna had one case of a 177RG that was actually built in 72, but then was toyed around with at the factory trying out new stuff, and then sold as a 76...but it was different than all of the other 76 models. Now if you go to a 177RG mantenence or parts manual, they'll actually have a note for this one aircraft serial.

IMHO, If you want to be super accurate, you can call or email Cessna's parts department, give them the serial, and they will tell you exactly what manual is the correct one.

[Thread Hijack] You weren't the one sitting in the back of the 182RG @ 15G during one of my commercial lessons were you? XLR99 (Andy) was the CFI [/HIJACK]

Gaaaaack! I've been outed!!!
The horror.....