Just got back from Orlando last night. Had a good trip other than some minor glitches.
Flew out Tuesday morning on AA and Eagle. Got to the airport a tad late, to find out that I was 5 minutes late for the required "1/2 hour check in" so they gave my seat away and I had to stand-by the next flight.
I bitched at the Eagle gate agent stating that I wanted to see the rule in writing, which they could not produce. They relented and got myself and another passenger a boarding pass. The funny thing about it was that they gave me my original assigned seat which they claim to have given away!
Oh well. We turned up and headed out to the runway to sit for 15 minutes till the airport opened for departures. Flight to LAX was uneventful, but the sunrise as we skimmed along the top of the marine layer was beautiful. Flight to MCO was delayed due to a missing nose gear door bay seal. They had to fly the part in from 737 maint. base. Got out of LAX a little over an hour past the schedualed departure. Weather at MCO on arrival was scattered T-storms. On final to 36L, we flew into a heavy down pour. The cockpit crew got a winshear alert over the threshold and proceaded to the missed approach. We went around to set up for another ILS. Approach brought us in on 35.
Got the rental car and tried to find my way to Lake Mary, without having to pay a toll. It seems as if every major road has a toll! Got to Lake Mary and checked into the hotel. On Tuesday morning headed straight to DCA to see my admissions officer. Found out he called in sick! They hooked me up with some other guy to help me out. I got the info I required and headed over to the bookstore to get a few books to get ahead. Now I had to set out and try to find an apartment. Most of all the stores and business are in Lake Mary. There isn't much to Sanford. Most of the neigborhoods look pretty seedy. I spent all day combing Sanford and Lake Mary. All the affordable complexes are fedrally subsidize, and requires a minumum and maximum gross income levels. My wife would have to get paid way over the minumum wage to even make the minimum income required to qualify. I did find a nice place in Lake Mary, so that will probably be the one we choose. I did get to enjoy some Chic-fil-a while I was there. Mmmm, I sure do miss it!
Yesterday afternoon headed back to MCO. Turned the rental car in and took the shuttle to the terminal. Flight from MCO to STL left on time and got into STL, twenty minutes ahead of schedule. On the flight from STL to SAN, we got vectored up to Iowa City and then turned west to avoid a huge line of T-Storms with the approaching cold front. Other than a little turbulance, flight was uneventful and we got in about 15 minutes late.