FedEx closing CGN, LAX, and ANC MD11. New system bid for all of the changes.

People have got to stop looking so damn short term. Your career at a place is 20 to 35 years. A 2 to 5 year blip hurts, but unless you think a) you are going to be unhappy somewhere for at least half of your career or b) you are genuinely concerned a place is going out of business, don't worry about it.
My concern with FDX is what the future business model is… are they trying to copy UPS and in turn shrink down to their size? If so that’s a whoollllee lot of stagnation. The frustrating part is no one but the BOD and top brass know what’s going to happen and they’ll never let it be known until it’s a done deal.
A thousand times this.

Hate to be that guy but I mentioned freight would see a downturn during the pandemic and was largely chewed out for it. That didn’t manifest itself right away but apparently it’s here.

So air freight over hires the last 3 years and grew unsustainably. Because reasons. Now it’s all falling apart.

The thing is “revenge travel” isn’t going to last forever either. At some point the massive demand that’s driving the unfilled CA bids at United and my 5 year upgrade at my shop, is all going to go away soon as well.

It would be a shame to jump from 5 years of seniority because the bottom dropped out. Only to see it drop out again, this time with 1-2 years of seniority. Right smack in the furlough zone.

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But is the freight seeing a downturn or correction? Air cargo seems to be doing OK. The express market is hurting a little bit.
Yes. The pandemic scared the customers away from Just In Time inventory. Will it come back is the question.
But it’s still higher than pre-Covid numbers. Express air freight is our bread and butter so I don’t know why we would reduce operations and leave market share for someone else. Yes, it’s slower than during Covid but that was such a unique situation that it seems incomprehensible to me why anyone would think that was ever going to continue.
Let’s not forget too that FDX made up all that extra uplift not buy hiring a bunch of new pilots but by working those on property to death.
We will wake up from this contract negotiation period exactly where we were before, staring down a tight market for qualified pilot candidates and a steady flood of retirements. Hiring will resume, bid packs will fill out again, and everything will be ok.
But it’s still higher than pre-Covid numbers. Express air freight is our bread and butter so I don’t know why we would reduce operations and leave market share for someone else. Yes, it’s slower than during Covid but that was such a unique situation that it seems incomprehensible to me why anyone would think that was ever going to continue.
Let’s not forget too that FDX made up all that extra uplift not buy hiring a bunch of new pilots but by working those on property to death.
We will wake up from this contract negotiation period exactly where we were before, staring down a tight market for qualified pilot candidates and a steady flood of retirements. Hiring will resume, bid packs will fill out again, and everything will be ok.
I hope so. I came here seeking answers like this, so I hope you’re right. I was hired during covid but I know prior to covid the idea of excess bids was already being discussed, so with the uncertainty of Fedex’s future in mind and with me living in DAL’s major base city it makes me question my future at FedEx, like the OP.
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That’s the one thing that worries me about jumping over… If a decent recession happens, then I’m really screwed. At least now I’ll be a fairly senior WB FO.
I think I'd stick with that reasoning right there. Might not get you rich as fast as you'd like, but probably won't make you poor overnight. Freight volume is damned near a constant compared with the fickleness of Pax. Sorry to hear about the rough patch, especially given your personal timing within the current suck, but I doubt this suck at Fed Ex will last long.
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But is the freight seeing a downturn or correction? Air cargo seems to be doing OK. The express market is hurting a little bit.

Someone smarter than I can answer this… I can try:

It’s seems to me they over-hired and grew to meet temporary demand. Now there is a painful right sizing period.

It really sucks when you’re in the thick of it. However if you believe in the FedEx model and how they made it this far, this is just temporary. Eventually I’d guess that whoever leaves FedEx with 5 years of seniority will be hella sad when the PAX side poops the bed. It’s coming. No one knows when but when it does 5 years at FedEx will probably look like a golden ticket.

Please keep in mind that I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night…

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Almost five years ago I turned down a class at United to come here, hoping to prevent such craziness. It just makes me sick to my stomach that I made that decision. The amount of people that are going to quit will be historic I think.
I already know of people that have left and even a buddy that is debating on leaving. They are pretty junior though sitting at 90% or more on the seniority list.

Dropping 5 years of seniority for a speedbump seems excessive.
I already know of people that have left and even a buddy that is debating on leaving. They are pretty junior though sitting at 90% or more on the seniority list.

Dropping 5 years of seniority for a speedbump seems excessive.
This convo is making me consider applying to FEDEX right pronto.

Poor planning. Lots of boxes to be moved. Juniors and seniors bailing. Sounds like an opportunity in the making.

Ancient China pheelospha say: "Clisis is a' arways opportunity."
I’m not terribly concerned… until we get sold and become Amazon Express… but we do have a lack of foresight, leadership, and future vision at the helm… it appears to me that they are trying to squeeze as much blood out of the golden goose without killing it outright… oh and the Purple Promise has all but disappeared.
Lots of shiny objects coming from Pax carriers bc of the hiring but also because of the unusually short upgrade times. I think that’s a mirage a bit as FOs are bypassing for contractual reasons at a high rate. At some point that’ll level out. Unless your near 50%ish or less, you’re captain upgrade is at the discretion of someone else. So basically, stay.
Someone smarter than I can answer this… I can try:

It’s seems to me they over-hired and grew to meet temporary demand. Now there is a painful right sizing period.

It really sucks when you’re in the thick of it. However if you believe in the FedEx model and how they made it this far, this is just temporary. Eventually I’d guess that whoever leaves FedEx with 5 years of seniority will be hella sad when the PAX side poops the bed. It’s coming. No one knows when but when it does 5 years at FedEx will probably look like a golden ticket.

Please keep in mind that I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night…

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I actually do know. It will be right around the time when I retire from the military in a few years. There is no chance my luck will be any different :)
I actually do know. It will be right around the time when I retire from the military in a few years. There is no chance my luck will be any different :)

Yeah that lines up perfectly for around the time when I can hold a line as a captain. So yeah. Back to FO for me!

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Yeah that lines up perfectly for around the time when I can hold a line as a captain. So yeah. Back to FO for me!

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I upgraded to CRJ captain in February 2008. The financial world died in July of 2008. The airline furloughed and downgraded starting in September of 2008. I managed to hang on to the left seat by 3 numbers. Looking back, since I was at a regional, chasing the mythical 1000 TPIC, it was certainly a better thing for me to hold on to captain and be super junior (hurray for 10 days off a month with at least 12 days of airport reserve every month), than get downgraded and have "good" schedules as a senior FO. Of course, as it worked out, I didn't get hired anywhere else until I had about 3000 hours of TPIC, so whatever.

Now that I'm not chasing PIC time, I think I'd much rather get downgraded to senior FO and enjoy a good schedule than get stuck at the very bottom of a non moving Captain list.
Just blows me away how quickly this place went from a top choice to complete crap.

FDX is NOT crap at all don't eeeeeven get started on that foolishness. If someone said, "You can't work at SouthernJets anymore, your seniority is transferable, where do you want to go?" Without a doubt, FDX. I prefer flying passengers, yes, but I prefer flying well-treated customers. Sure I'll catch flack for that but I've had some Kloud here in Seoul so they can come at me, but they'd better bring it.

It's the airline business. You go from the top of the charts to "bro, we're all getting out, what are YOU doing here" in cycles. I've done the career-choice "moron-genius-moron" wave almost continuously for the last 25 years.

Keep your head up, these things happen, pull back on the 'doom scrolling', you're going to be OK and you're with a great carrier with amazing opportunities.
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Interesting times.
Random 2am insomnia induced thoughts:

I've learned that pilots will act like friends when your company is hiring and total •heads when not hiring.
Trying to avoid the express train to doom that so many want to hop on board while also trying to be realistic is difficult but not impossible.
Anyone using someone's upcoming challenges as a "told you so" can get •ed.
Choose your circle carefully and ninja delete those that aren't conducive to your mental well-being, not everyone needs to be in the circle.
No one can predict the future, make whatever move your feel it's necessary and live with it. Anyone else's opinion on that move is worth slightly less than what you paid for it.
Interesting times.
Random 2am insomnia induced thoughts:

I've learned that pilots will act like friends when your company is hiring and total •heads when not hiring.
Trying to avoid the express train to doom that so many want to hop on board while also trying to be realistic is difficult but not impossible.
Anyone using someone's upcoming challenges as a "told you so" can get •ed.
Choose your circle carefully and ninja delete those that aren't conducive to your mental well-being, not everyone needs to be in the circle.
No one can predict the future, make whatever move your feel it's necessary and live with it. Anyone else's opinion on that move is worth slightly less than what you paid for it.

All this.

Seriously. I can't tell you how many times this happened to me.
I upgraded to CRJ captain in February 2008. The financial world died in July of 2008. The airline furloughed and downgraded starting in September of 2008. I managed to hang on to the left seat by 3 numbers. Looking back, since I was at a regional, chasing the mythical 1000 TPIC, it was certainly a better thing for me to hold on to captain and be super junior (hurray for 10 days off a month with at least 12 days of airport reserve every month), than get downgraded and have "good" schedules as a senior FO. Of course, as it worked out, I didn't get hired anywhere else until I had about 3000 hours of TPIC, so whatever.

Now that I'm not chasing PIC time, I think I'd much rather get downgraded to senior FO and enjoy a good schedule than get stuck at the very bottom of a non moving Captain list.

Similar thing happened at XJT back then. After two furlough and downgrades I rode the bottom of the CA list for a number of years, thankful to keep my seat. Looking back I'm glad I did but man did I suffer on reserve those years.

The difference between then and now is back then (at least for me) the difference between CA and FO pay at a regional were significant enough for me to want to stay in the left seat. I could basically pay my bills and save a little as a regional CA making $70/hr. Now it's a no brainer, seniorish FOs at LCC/Legacies make more than enough to not mind being in that seat all while maintaining good schedules/solid days off.