FedEx 767 Nose Gear Inop emergency landing at Istanbul

Typical CNN

Did you know a 777 will struggle to maintain altitude when it runs out of fuel?


This is where having someone like Greg Feith or John Cox on air helps, but their presence comes at a price. Without that expertise, you get chyrons like this.

How many times have you lent your experience to the media to improve journalism?
This is where having someone like Greg Feith or John Cox on air helps, but their presence comes at a price. Without that expertise, you get chyrons like this.

How many times have you lent your experience to the media to improve journalism?

Things I've learned after befriending a video productionist from the CBC, the "Chyron" is actually the machine that was once used to make a "quarter screen"... which we call a "chyron".
They’re really not.

They actually employ pilots and hire consultants when necessary.

But you don’t care about that.


What's your point? It's a dumb chyron? Sure.

Does that mean they suck more than everyone else? Because their transportation correspondent is an actual pilot, and they routinely call in experts on pretty much everything aviation related that comes up.
What's your point? It's a dumb chyron? Sure.

Does that mean they suck more than everyone else? Because their transportation correspondent is an actual pilot, and they routinely call in experts on pretty much everything aviation related that comes up.

My brother in Christ, if you think any mainstream news agency is an expert on anything other then selling clicks on ads…I got news for you. They just posted yesterday about FedEx.

“Boeing cargo plane lands with no front wheels” as if they departed the airframe.

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My brother in Christ, if you think any mainstream news agency is an expert on anything other then selling clicks on ads…I got news for you. They just posted yesterday about FedEx.

“Boeing cargo plane lands no front wheels” as if they departed the airframe.

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I'm pretty sure I didn't claim them to be experts on aviation as a whole.

I did say that they have a transportation correspondent who knows his stuff quite well. They also know to bring in experts on the stuff that matters.

The headline? Yeah. Not the best. I have to concede that point.
My brother in Christ, if you think any mainstream news agency is an expert on anything other then selling clicks on ads…I got news for you. They just posted yesterday about FedEx.

“Boeing cargo plane lands with no front wheels” as if they departed the airframe.

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Terrible reporting, could it be better? Yes. Have you talked to the general public about complex and technical subjects lately ? Why are we delayed to Des Moines? Weather. My cousin says it is clear skies there....

Would you rather the headline be "Pilots flying for an airline that doesn't carry passengers had a relatively uneventful landing after the nose landing hydraulic actuator failed for unknown reasons." ?

Also, ahem, cough, cough - from another website and note the logo in the upper left hand corner:

Terrible reporting, could it be better? Yes. Have you talked to the general public about complex and technical subjects lately ? Why are we delayed to Des Moines? Weather. My cousin says it is clear skies there....

Would you rather the headline be "Pilots flying for an airline that doesn't carry passengers had a relatively uneventful landing after the nose landing hydraulic actuator failed for unknown reasons." ?

Also, ahem, cough, cough - from another website and note the logo in the upper left hand corner:

View attachment 77841

Thanks for proving my point exactly.

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I'm not doing this one very well.

I've got a personal stake in what y'all call "mainstream news agencies" so I'm not terribly objective here. At the same time, I do know how a lot of the sausage is made and I'm often frustrated by the general consensus that it's all crap.

It's not. It really isn't. It's not perfect.

I'll reiterate the point that most can grasp and then bow out of this discussion.

Most people seem to think they know how a news organization should run, what it should look like, how much it should cost and what it should produce. They demand the highest standards of quality but refuse to pay for it. They demand perfection from imperfect people and point and laugh when they get it wrong, but almost never celebrate when they get it right.

Pretty much the same way the non-flying public views airlines and airline pilots. Y'know, the people who think they know how to do our jobs better than we do.

I can't fight the ocean. I'm neither skilled, smart, nor patient enough to do this anymore. It's exhausting.
Thought it was pretty clear

That message was a murky with the CNN chyron, came off more as a dump on CNN rather discuss the industry as a whole.

I don’t entirely disagree, and having friends in that industry helps understand the business model.
I'm not doing this one very well.

I've got a personal stake in what y'all call "mainstream news agencies" so I'm not terribly objective here. At the same time, I do know how a lot of the sausage is made and I'm often frustrated by the general consensus that it's all crap.

Huh, if you're so in love with the mainstream media, why don't you marry a high-level international correspondent or something... oh... wait. :)
I think the lowest point was the news anchor lady reading off the fake Asiana flight crew names in pure Ron Burgundy style, in the race to have the first scoop on that info.
All I can picture is that one scene from The Newsroom after Olivia Munn does have the news story in Japanese and Sam Waterston comes in the news room and screams...