FBO or Big Flight Academy?

Though if only we had those planes with the (30,000.00) air conditioning units. Then it would make it all worth it.
Thanks everyone for posting your opinions, I have struggled with this question for about a year and a half now. I almost have my PPL and want to continue on to get all my ratings.

I have punched some numbers, and I think that I may stay at my FBO. It is a really good flight school and a lot bigger an more structured than most I have ever seen. It is called Mcair Aviation and is located in Broomfield Colorado. www.mcairaviation.com

We have 26 aircraft, 12 of which are 2000-2003 172s, a factory new Seminole & Arrow, a Seneca, and a variety of 152's, 182's, 172xp's, 172n's, and a 206H turbo. We will also be getting a multi_engine FTD in the near future.

I think I may enroll in some classes for ground training at Metro State of Denver which has a great Aerospace program. www.mscd.edu I already have a BFA (graphic design).

I figure I can put together my own curriculum combining flight training and college courses for a price of about 32,000
(this amount is based on doing all training in a multiengine) . Also I can keep my job all while doing this.

What do you think of this idea?

Also, once I receive my PPL, can I do all my training from now on in a multi-engine plane?

Does the time I log after PPL for other ratings count as PIC? even with my instructor?

What would you recommend?
Thanks everyone, you've been a great help.

Your right, McAir is a great FBO............but its in the Front Range of Colorado!!!! The weather SUX!!! I started my PPL Feb.1........ and I still dont have it!!!! I have been on the schedule 5-7/ per week.....I have gone 12 days without being able to fly due to weather.......ICE, SNOW, T-Storm, WIND.

I was going to continue my ratings there, but decided I need to move where I can GET IT DONE.......South FL......

Good luck Junior!

!!!Happy Flying!!!!
yeah, your right. I could set me watch to the weather here. Everday, thunderstorms roll in between 2-5pm. the winter actually is much better to train but it gets dark earlier. I have had numerous cancelations do to weather.
Where are you training now? What school or FBO.
Well, you won't find ice or snow down here in South Florida, (I train at FXE) but I guarantee that you'll have thunderstorms nearly every single day until around September. The fall and winter (well, we don't have seasons, but you know what I mean) are times for the best flying weather here.

I am flying at McAir in Denver, CO......... it is TOP NOTCH!!!!! Great instructors and smart owners. I compare the partners that own McAir to a NFL or MLB team where the owners want to win......They will do whatever it takes to make them the best.....I like that b/c I want to be the best pilot I can possibly be...........
Jake, you are still at Mcair? Who is your instructor? Feike is my instructor, he is a great guy to have up their with you. So have you heard anything about that ME FTD that we are suppose to get? Where are you in your training? Do you go to Metro or just do your flight training? I'm working on my PPL and thinking about taking some classes at Metro. I already have a degree but would like to take some ground school at the college, plus they have a great simulator lab.

You can always find ways to supplement your income baby.......do what yah love.......six years out of college should => VERY LITTLE RESPONSIBILITY : ) Fly on brother
This is not to say there aren't some great instructors in flight schools who take there job seriously! No! Even at ATA (where I did some contract work) I was impressed with some of the instructors and their professional work ethic and demeanor.

But go across the field to the CAP Flying Group and you see an instructor staff that has an average flight time of just over 6000 hrs. Now where are you going to learn to be a better pilot???

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I couldn't agree more. I've been getting my training at Air Orlando (look kinda BETWEEN former ATA and CAP at Orlando Executive), and I have had nothing but good instructors. My first CFI is now flying for Flight Express (he had a shade under 800 total and less than 200 multi), my second one is in Baltimore now, and my current CFI is working towards time building for an airline career. All three are Comair drop-outs.
ATA had a lot of good instructors (I can only think of ONE bad one right now), but I think they are all at SFB now. I've met a couple of the CAP instructors, and if I weren't starting at ERAU this fall, I would DEFIANTELY continue my rating there. They are mostly high time pilots that enjoy flying and like passing that on.

As far as prices go, AIr Orlando is kinda up there. For a 1980 172N it's around $85 wet. The SPs are upwards of $100/hr. So, I do all of my cross countries across the ramp at CAP.
$35k-$40k-$60k...try again

that may be the cost of the training itself, but don't forget the cost of living while you are training. in most cases you'll need that full $80k or $100k loan from KEY Bank or wherever to get by.

so, unless mom or dad is paying for your training, or you have plenty of spare cash around, that $80k or $100k is what the cost of training at many of the Academies will be.
I am going a university route. It is costly but my loans are all deferred and I can pay just the minimum til I can afford it. It gives me the environment of a small FBO without worrying about costs. And to top it off I will have a four year degree to back me up so to say. The other advantage is the internship opportunity provided by the school. Best of luck in whatever you decide.
Funny, I finished everything beyond private at FSI for around $50k.

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wow 50K?,
I did all up to AMEL Comm for about 20K.
Add about 60K to that if you count the airplane that I get to keep,.