Thanks everyone for posting your opinions, I have struggled with this question for about a year and a half now. I almost have my PPL and want to continue on to get all my ratings.
I have punched some numbers, and I think that I may stay at my FBO. It is a really good flight school and a lot bigger an more structured than most I have ever seen. It is called Mcair Aviation and is located in Broomfield Colorado.
We have 26 aircraft, 12 of which are 2000-2003 172s, a factory new Seminole & Arrow, a Seneca, and a variety of 152's, 182's, 172xp's, 172n's, and a 206H turbo. We will also be getting a multi_engine FTD in the near future.
I think I may enroll in some classes for ground training at Metro State of Denver which has a great Aerospace program. I already have a BFA (graphic design).
I figure I can put together my own curriculum combining flight training and college courses for a price of about 32,000
(this amount is based on doing all training in a multiengine) . Also I can keep my job all while doing this.
What do you think of this idea?
Also, once I receive my PPL, can I do all my training from now on in a multi-engine plane?
Does the time I log after PPL for other ratings count as PIC? even with my instructor?
What would you recommend?
Thanks everyone, you've been a great help.