"fat tax" for larger passengers?

I agree with the obesity charge. If people want to feed themselves to the point of making their butt the size of 2+ seats, then that's their choice and they gotta pay the price for it.
Okay, if your born a certain way I'm sorry, but it doesn't mean everything changes to fit your needs.

This is what we call life. It's the way the universe works.
This might help the problem. Or at least get people spilling over on only one side.

Now that looks like a great idea! I've seen some alternative seating designs with all sorts of step-up/step-down offset height arrangements or even a pseudo bunked seat jigsaw puzzle type of arrangement, but they look like emergency egress abominations. That looks simple and effective enough.
What about those that truly have glandular problems? Should they have to pay more just because they were born a certain way?
I'm 6'7". Regular coach seats are a little small. Exit rows or business class is a lot better. If I was any taller coach would certainly be a stretch. Should airlines be required to put anyone taller than me in someplace other than coach even if they only paid for a coach ticket?

The bottom line is that in this life you have to play the cards you're dealt. If those put you at an economic disadvantage (i.e. you're too large to fly in one seat) then you just have to deal with it. If you don't want to deal with it, well then you're just going to have to fold, take the hit, and wait for another round (i.e, get off the airplane, loose a little weight, and try again). If you can't get yourself small enough (or short enough) to fit in the seat, well that's life.

Trying to make life 'fair' in all instances for one individual is only going to tick the rest of us off.

For the record there is one airline that will do it's best to accommodate larger passengers in a row that has one un-occupied seat and will only charge them for the second seat if the flight is full and they actually need that seat but can't use it because there's half a person already sitting there. That's probably the 'fairest' way to do it. We will accommodate you if we can, but if it costs us money to accommodate you that we're passing that charge on to you.
What if I'm traveling with a 110 pound person so our average is the standard 170 pounds should I still have to pay extra?
I think airlines should charge more for people who can't fit in the seat. And for the ones defending genetics/metabolic rates as their reason for being overweight: I've been here in Afghanistan for almost a year and I have to tell you that Afghanis most have the best genes/metabolisms in the world because I'm yet to run into a slightly heavy one much less an obese Afghani. Now on the other hand most Americans here on base could lose a few pounds and I guess the Army let go of the weight standards cause OMG there are some Fat ones in the Army now days, guess they are hurting for their quota, because when I was in the Army you'd be quick out if you were fat.

Point of this rant, Americans have become obese as a nation and no it should not be tolerated nor is it a disability.
i made a post about this a week ago about being "Fit to Fly" and i got flamed......If you cant fit in the seats then dont complain. that simple....pay for another seat or dont fly.