Fast-track Interview?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if anyone else received a call from HR this morning about fast-tracking the process? It seems they want me to do a local interview to speed everything up.
Just wondering if anyone else received a call from HR this morning about fast-tracking the process? It seems they want me to do a local interview to speed everything up.

Thats be awesome, i live right near MDT and have already spoken to management there about it all
If they can give you some reasonable assurance that you'll be able to knock everything out before the PEPC you are scheduled for, go for it.
Just wondering if anyone else received a call from HR this morning about fast-tracking the process? It seems they want me to do a local interview to speed everything up.

I did a local interview and not sure if it fast-tracked me. I interviewed in June, and was offered a class date of October
Just wondering if anyone else received a call from HR this morning about fast-tracking the process? It seems they want me to do a local interview to speed everything up.

Not a surprise, since I hear controllers are needed desperately in Alaska.
Not a surprise, since I hear controllers are needed desperately in Alaska.

I'll bet you're right. Fairbanks in particular is getting pretty bad; NATCA recently ran a release describing how they're cutting it down to one controller to work the whole operation late at night.

Er, I mean, have fun!
water runway! water runway! Seriously for Fairbanks they should just send some people up there, find some townies in need of a job that don't want to move, process them through immediately and them in class. Everyone they send up there is gonna be trying to get out ASAP. If they can't get out they'll probably quit starting the evil cycle over again. I think the article said that the approach responsibilities were being shifted to Anchorage at night, but Anchorage doesn't have something(???) to deal with the mountain terrain and apparently the airport is pretty busy at night with cargo to and from the north. The water runway is cool though.
OK so I called today and got the scoop. They want me to try to get everything done locally. If it ends up taking to long they are holding me a spot at the PEPC to finish processing whatever was not finished here in Portland. Sounds like I have nothing to lose so I told them to sign me up.
Just wondering if anyone else received a call from HR this morning about fast-tracking the process? It seems they want me to do a local interview to speed everything up.

They called me yesterday morning at around 0645 and asked me if I wanted to be expedited through the process but the stipulation was that instead of JNU ACTC, I am now headed to FAI TRACON. Hopefully we get a class together CirrusDriver. :rawk:
They called me yesterday morning at around 0645 and asked me if I wanted to be expedited through the process but the stipulation was that instead of JNU ACTC, I am now headed to FAI TRACON. Hopefully we get a class together CirrusDriver. :rawk:

Nice! I'm not surprised at the redirect. I noticed three or four people between JC and SM that received FAI and I think they all turned it down except for me.

Cheers to -50 degrees and 24 hours of daylight! :nana2:
Must be nice to be fast-tracked through the system. I love Alaska - sounds like it will be an adventure!

Do you think there will be another PUBAK? I doubt I'd be willing to leave Michigan, but I might consider it if it comes up.
Actually i've kinda been looking at Alaska. As much as people might dislike it, i'd go there, its beautiful from what i hear. Course i need a GeoPref's email first :D
Just wondering if anyone else received a call from HR this morning about fast-tracking the process? It seems they want me to do a local interview to speed everything up.

I also got the redirect phone call from HR and accepted to go to FAI. From what I heard from Maggie it sounds like they are in pretty great need, blah..blah...blah, whatever, all I heard was "fast track your app and get you into a class date as soon as April"!!!!!!

Do we know many PUBAK/3/4 people who picked Alaska and didn't get selected?

Do you thing your positions in Juneau going to be replaced by someone else?
Do we know many PUBAK/3/4 people who picked Alaska and didn't get selected?

Do you thing your positions in Juneau going to be replaced by someone else?

I actually applied PUBAK, and I know of a couple of people on SM that picked AK as first geo pref and didn't get it, but got their second pick. I would assume that they will fill the JNU fast, and from which PUBNAT is way beyond me.