Facebook Connect Beta Testing (Epic Fail, Nevermind!)


Apparently a "terse" writer
Staff member
This is a *HIGHLY* experimental feature where you can interconnect your JC forum experience with Facebook.

It might not work correctly 100% of the time which is why I say "highly" experimental.

If you're on the "Default" template, scroll down to the bottom left of the page, select "Default (Facebook)", log out and then log back in.

The software will have you log into facebook (via a FB application), then the forum (here) will ask for your username and password and enable some of the features that I have active.

Check it out. If it's a benefit and it works, we'll keep it. If it's a pain in the butt and runs up the load on the server, well, it's 86'ed! ;)
Re: Facebook Connect Beta Testing

Doesn't work for me. It keeps yelling at me to enable cookies in my browers. They are enabled and I went so far as to add exceptions for both www.jetcareers.com and forums.jetcareers.com to no success...
Re: Facebook Connect Beta Testing

It's working over here. What kind of features are in this thing? So far the only thing I've dug up is that it'll ask me every time I post if I want to post it to facebook also. Anything else cool?
Re: Facebook Connect Beta Testing

Well, I tried going outside of the forum to the fb login direct through fb and it seemed to work, but I haven't found anything to play with yet...

Edit: Apparently it didn't work for me as it didn't ask if I wanted to post to FB.
Re: Facebook Connect Beta Testing

I am also not seeing any of the said "applications". I didn't have any problem logging on yet though.

Edit: OK, so it will let me post to my wall but that's all.
Re: Facebook Connect Beta Testing

It's working over here. What kind of features are in this thing? So far the only thing I've dug up is that it'll ask me every time I post if I want to post it to facebook also. Anything else cool?

Yeah, there's quite a bit, but most of the features aren't necessarily easily controllable so it's pretty much crippled for the time being.
Re: Facebook Connect Beta Testing

Well, I got it to work. Not sure what the applications are though.:)
Re: Facebook Connect Beta Testing

Also, it should give you a notification on FB if you've got a PM over here at JC.
Re: Facebook Connect Beta Testing

Well, I got it to work. Not sure what the applications are though.:)

Oooh, yours didn't. It should have given you the option to use your regular JC name. Did it not?
Re: Facebook Connect Beta Testing

Yeah, there's quite a bit, but most of the features aren't necessarily easily controllable so it's pretty much crippled for the time being.

Does this mean you will activate the controls if enough people bring it online?
Re: Facebook Connect Beta Testing

So after some more messing about with it, I find it still isn't playing nice. Are you all getting it to work on IE or anyone with Firefox?

Edit: Finally got it to work by enabling third party cookies.
Re: Facebook Connect Beta Testing

Should be some stuff under "Application Settings" for connect@jetcareers
Re: Facebook Connect Beta Testing

Firefox (most recent version) on a Mac Mini (Intel) running OS 10.4.11.
Re: Facebook Connect Beta Testing

OK, got to the apps menu, but really just some options about posting stuff to my wall. Is that all that is there right now?
Re: Facebook Connect Beta Testing

JESUS, this thing is adding every single reply in here to my notifications in facebook. That might be cool for somebody that posts once and comes back a week later, but I live on this freakin' website! I don't need updates :)
Re: Facebook Connect Beta Testing

Right now, yup. Hey, perhaps it's time for a poll! ;)
Re: Facebook Connect Beta Testing

Ok I know it let me log in correctly now... but it's not doing anything for me! Somehow... I always wind up being the one riding the short bus... :panic:

Edit: Again I spoke too soon... apparently I'm just having a slow day...