Expat Jobs Websites

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Greetings, TP.

To answer scramjet's question, United Aviation appears to be an Indian website. As TP said, the Indian jobs are scattered out through many websites but they seem to be predominantly captain jobs.

I've seen a couple of guys on here mention they're flying in India for what sounds like GA of some sort. They'd really be the best ones to have the scoop on that area of flying.

Try this one:

www.nexgen-aviation.com but they too are looking for captains.

TP, is there a government restriction against Indian airlines hiring expat FOs? I seem to remember some discussion about that in the past but can't remember the details.
FYI, its becoming very hard to get an airline job in India without alot of PIC time in the aircraft. The DGCA is making it more difficult and if you are in process of going over there. Don't quite your job now UNTIL you get your employment visa. That's becoming the problem now. It took me 2 months, the last guy was 6/7 months. That's a long time waiting with no income. On the corporate side, you're better off getting a job through word of mouth, not these contract companies.

Greetings, TP.

To answer scramjet's question, United Aviation appears to be an Indian website. As TP said, the Indian jobs are scattered out through many websites but they seem to be predominantly captain jobs.

I've seen a couple of guys on here mention they're flying in India for what sounds like GA of some sort. They'd really be the best ones to have the scoop on that area of flying.

Try this one:

www.nexgen-aviation.com but they too are looking for captains.

TP, is there a government restriction against Indian airlines hiring expat FOs? I seem to remember some discussion about that in the past but can't remember the details.

Hi Bafan:

The expat F.O. issue in India seems to be uncertain. Air India are getting away with hiring them, but others may not be. I've been saying for quite some time that India jobs can only be viewed as short term. The Indians do not want expat pilots in their country. The CEO of Jet Airways said to a friend of mine, "they'll be here for three years".

NextGen is not a company I would recommend. They have some significant issues regarding reimbursement of expenses. Check on APC or PPW for threads specifically about them.

It's best to stick with the larger, more well established agents like PARC. I do give two thumbs up to Avia Crews though as it's owner is a good friend of mine.

My brother did a year contract with Sigmar. They are okay. His contract paid VERY well. I've met two of their reps and know one VP of Ops that uses them for his airline. They specialize in India and Kazakhstan ( Air Astana ) contracts. They pay on time to a bank of your choice. That's about as good as one can hope for with any agent.

I have no idea how Air India is doing it but its a DGCA rule that no expat can be a P2.

NextGen is not a company I would recommend. They have some significant issues regarding reimbursement of expenses. Check on APC or PPW for threads specifically about them.


Thanks for the info. A little birdie told me he was not crazy about the contract from nex-gen and peddled his experience elsewhere. Nex-gen sure does a lot of advertising.

Nothing new with me...or mine. Hope same for you.

Anyone know of anyone looking for low time commercial pilots. There are a bunch of us ready to go overseas, but everyone wants 500 turbine. Anyone looking for just 1000TT or 500TT?
Its not turbine time they want but PIC on type. Really if you don't have that there's no use for you. Most of these countries have plenty of their own pilots but not with experience, hence the need for expat pilots.


Got some KA time ? Maybe this one:


They're looking for both seats.
Unfortunately I have a long way to go, I'm not even done with my PPL yet. :o Even though I know how much things can change in a short span of time in this industry, I was just curious what was out there. It would be wonderful to graduate college and have a job that would keep me so much closer to my SO than being half a world away like now...
So here's what I'm wondering, I currently have a bit of cash in the bank and I'd really rather do the expat thing than work in the US, if one were to get a 73 or A320 type rating, would one be able to obtain employment in this sort of position (probably FO, but that works for me) without previous operational experience?

Wish I could answer your question but can't. Others will certainly come along here who can.

What I can point out is something you can likely see from cruising the job sites: most expat jobs require some amount of time in type beyond the type rating, even the relatively few SIC jobs.

But, anything is possible...and hang in there. :D Having personal contacts someplace can mean a lot.

Here's an updated list:

www.pilotpointer.com and its list of employment links and here are some of the ones that aren't on that list:

www.tf-aviation.com (?)
Thanks for the updated list... so anybody know if the type is enough to get some work overseas... I know some guys at HawaiianAviation, gonna try to get in touch with them.
Thanks for the updated list... so anybody know if the type is enough to get some work overseas... I know some guys at HawaiianAviation, gonna try to get in touch with them.

From what I've seen, most places want type AND time in type. Not saying it won't happen, but a majority want to see some experience in the airplane as well.
Roger that,

Just based on browsing through all this info I've found that Lion Air in Indonesia is/will be looking for FOs on the 737, requirments are about 1000 total hours, which I far exceed, pay is junk (800 USD/month), though that might be worth it (based on the QOL one can have on that sort of income down there) just to get the 737 time.

Any advice/ideas on how to get in touch with Lionair?
Roger that,

Just based on browsing through all this info I've found that Lion Air in Indonesia is/will be looking for FOs on the 737, requirments are about 1000 total hours, which I far exceed, pay is junk (800 USD/month), though that might be worth it (based on the QOL one can have on that sort of income down there) just to get the 737 time.

Any advice/ideas on how to get in touch with Lionair?

800 a month? Are you serious? You get a PIC or SIC type out of it? Still 800/month.....
I Agree wholeheartedly, 800 a month is junk pay... but if the base is Jakarta bear in mind that that's a place where it's possible to rent a 2 bedroom house, fully furnished for $250/month, so your 800 goes a lot farther than it does here, it's like Great Lakes I guess, if the experience you can get there is worth the junk pay for a year or two it might be worth it, but I can't say unless I find out a bit more.

What does Lion Air want besides 1000 TT for these FO spots ? Unfortunately, $800/mo is not enough to stop people from taking the jobs.

You might want to do a serious amount of homework on this one. :D
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