I have told all of my students that they are in better shape than I am. Summer 03 life should be good for instructors. Airlines and thus airlilne pilot training is cyclical. What I forsee happening over the next year is first, the airlines will start hiring, slowly at first (which we are already seeing) and then at a reasonable pace. The FSI instructors will be the first to go. We have the best training, and outstanding numbers. As airline hiring picks up two things happen. Instructors get hired, and student enrollements soar (at least at FSI). I may be wrong, but a year from now most flight schools, including FSI will be looking for CFI's like they were a year ago.
I'm seeing so many people make the mistake right now of putting off training because of the poor pilot job market. I, like all my buds, saw airline hiring at ridiculously high levels a few years ago, and decided to get into the airline training world at the top. Well, now its at the bottom. Let me ask you a question...Do you want to buy stocks at their highs or lows? The same applies for airline flight training.
Let me give you an example. An ex FSI student/instructor stopped by last December. He left FSI about four or five years prior did his time at the regionals, and had been at American long enough to avoid furlough. American, not American Eagle! This guy got into flight training during lean times, was at the right place at the right time, and now he's where everyone of us aspire to be.
Food for thought. Hope to see you around campus