Encore Air Cargo Interview


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I have an interview coming up with Encore Air Cargo (Landmark) soon and I was curious if anyone had any recent interview experience? The phone interview went really well so I want to make sure I'm prepared for the in-person. Thanks in advance for any advice and I look forward to contributing to this forum!

Hi guys,

I have an interview coming up with Encore Air Cargo (Landmark) soon and I was curious if anyone had any recent interview experience? The phone interview went really well so I want to make sure I'm prepared for the in-person. Thanks in advance for any advice and I look forward to contributing to this forum!

Hi Scott,

how was the interview? Anything i should expect or prepare for ? .. i'm doing the interview as well. could use any hints and prepartion
Hi Scott,

how was the interview? Anything i should expect or prepare for ? .. i'm doing the interview as well. could use any hints and prepartion
Unless it's changed in the last few years...

Sit down interview with a couple management people (DO, CP, director of training, director of safety, whoever is available really). Technical questions, talk about you, tell you about them. It's pretty casual.
Probably a lunch break.
Short flight in a 402. Basic instrument procedures, holds, couple of approaches. Nothing weird around that area, nice and low key.

Great gig, fantastic people. Management flies the line with you, even on the way below zero days. I flew for the ad hoc side and really enjoyed it.