Ellensburg, Washington


Well-Known Member
Anybody ever been here? I'm looking at attending Central Washingon University and already got accepted. I won't be doing their flight program, as I'm doing the whole FBO route while majoring in something else. Is Midstate Aviation (CWU's Aviation Contractor) the only place to get flight instruction at Bower's Field? Thanks!
Hi there! I just finished their flight officer program this last spring. As for your question, yes Midstate Aviation is the only place to get flight instruction at Ellensburg. I guess the big thing with that is that their rates are a little higher then most since they have no competition on field, but definently lower then a lot of the flight schools west of the cascades.

If you are going to be doing a different major and flying on the side (Already sorta wishing I did that) I would try to get enrolled in their 141 program. I know for a fact that if you go thru the 61 program you will have a lower priority then the 141 students meaning you will not get scheduled hardly at all.

Besides those small issues I really enjoyed my time there. Let me know if you have any other questions.
I was at CWU and decided that a better place for flight training was about 50 miles further east. I wish I hadn't wasted so much money on the school.

CWU as a general studies college is ok. Has a lot of activities to keep you from being bored and it has a climate in the winter time that is similar to Alaska :laff:
I really enjoyed my time at CWU. Great school, and a bit of a "hidden gem" if you will. CWU flight professors were top notch, I learned an awful lot from them.

Sadly, Midstate was the opposite. Their monopoly on the field led to overcharging. Even though an hour of instruction cost us $42, the instructor only got $15. Sometime an instructor would make as little as $240/month working full time. Because of this, most good instructors who graduated from CWU went elsewhere and Midstate was left with some less-than-average CFI's.

If you want to fly in central Washington, head down to McCormick at KYKM. Their airplanes are old but they're in good shape and the instructors are excellent. They don't charge a club fee and the prices can't be beat. I was renting a 172 for $70/hour not long ago.

You might as well take advantage of some of the flight tech classes while you're at CWU though. I can't say enough good things about my old professors.

Sounds great, thanks for the advice! Luckily I'll have wheels, so if it comes down to it I'll be more than willing to obtain my ratings at McCormick. Thanks again :)
I'm actually from ellensburg (lived here since 3rd grade) and chose to go to big bend instead of central as well. After a year at big bend i decided collegiate aviation wasn't for me and i did some flying at various fbo's. As stated above Central is a great general studies school. Before I went to Big Bend I job shadowed the chief pilot at midstate and the program does have great instructors, but the prices at midstate are outrageous. $98 for a cessna 152 and when you get to IFR training the warrior is $145 with an instrucional rate of $55 That's $200 an hour!

I personally fly at mccormick now. Josh is a great instructor and very calm and patient. They just remodeled and have an awesome new facility. You'll never pay more than $35 for instruction and I think the 172 is around 90-95 now (complex for $120/hr). So about $125-130 an hour. You'll also never have a problem getting scheduled any day. If you have any specfic questions about Ellensburg, like does the wind ever stop blowing? Just ask. If you don't mind a smaller town, It isn't that bad of a place. In high school I hated it, but I'm starting to realize i actually like it here.
I'm actually from ellensburg (lived here since 3rd grade) and chose to go to big bend instead of central as well. After a year at big bend i decided collegiate aviation wasn't for me and i did some flying at various fbo's. As stated above Central is a great general studies school. Before I went to Big Bend I job shadowed the chief pilot at midstate and the program does have great instructors, but the prices at midstate are outrageous. $98 for a cessna 152 and when you get to IFR training the warrior is $145 with an instrucional rate of $55 That's $200 an hour!

I personally fly at mccormick now. Josh is a great instructor and very calm and patient. They just remodeled and have an awesome new facility. You'll never pay more than $35 for instruction and I think the 172 is around 90-95 now (complex for $120/hr). So about $125-130 an hour. You'll also never have a problem getting scheduled any day. If you have any specfic questions about Ellensburg, like does the wind ever stop blowing? Just ask. If you don't mind a smaller town, It isn't that bad of a place. In high school I hated it, but I'm starting to realize i actually like it here.

Sounds good. Hey according to http://www.pilot-flight-instruction.com/login/profile.zhtml?pid=507469, McCormick only offers private pilot certificates. Do they provide training all the way to CFI?
Yes, they provide private through cfi. They have a piper arrow (complex) that you can do your commercial and cfi training in. They have a couple 172's that you can do private and instrument in. They also have a twin that was in the shop but I heard it was coming out soon. I believe they also just added a new cfi as well. Hope that helps