FL270, when you say "apply early", HOW early do you mean? Please advise.
[/ QUOTE ]R2F, I'd say once you meet "most" of the minimums. Example ... an airline is advertising 1000tt/100me/100inst ... you have the multi and the instrument, but only 800tt ... go ahead and throw in. Do not apply until you have all the necessary certificates and ratings (commercial/instrument/multi/radio permit/etc.). Even if they don't call you, you're building a file with them and they'll know you're interested. Once you've applied someplace, submit regular updates (every 60 days, every 100 hours, whatever) to let them know you're still interested and to show your qualifications are continuing to grow.
I have a drawer in my file cabinet dedicated to the job search process. It contains one file folder for each job I've applied for since I became a CFI. In the folder I have a list of important information on the company (pilot bases, equipment, address/phone/fax, recruiter or chief pilot name, etc.) and a contact log. I also keep copies of every resume I mail or fax to them, along with letters I send and any correspondence I receive in return.
In the legal field, I'm sure you're familiar with a contact log. Mine is pretty simple, something like:
01/15/03 initial resume/cover letter sent via fax
03/15/03 resume update via fax
05/20/03 recommendation of "friend x" walked in
07/25/03 resume update via e-mail
and so forth. This system has served me well in the last few years. Anyone out there may feel to use it if they like, just PM me for the address for the royalty payments, please!