Well, as the wife and I came to understand, unless you are willing to spend big bucks on an apartment in Scottsdale, or commute from the newer suburbs, the existing complexs aren't that great. We are at a place called the Retreat. It looks very nice from the street, and "looks" rather well kept, but that all changes once you move in. Turns out this place is a hot bed for the students at the motorcycle mechanic school around the corner. So, expect roaring motorcycles at all hours. As you will find out, Phoenix in general, is the worst place for having your car stolen. Ours was stolen about 2 weeks after we moved in...gated community and all!!
So my recommendation, if you are willing to spend a couple hundred a month extra, find something in Scottsdale w/ a garage. If you are penny pinching, and are not too concerned w/ crime, there are apartments aplenty down here. The school refers everyone to a guy named Don DeWitt. If I had his number I would give it to you, but the school should definitely have it. He was great in fitting our budget, he just didn't tell us about the crime problem.. :-(