Double engine failure due to single bird strike

I accepted an airplane a few days ago where the mechanics were doing a post bird strike inspection. The flight attendants were all complaining about how they had a bird strike and the captain "said NOTHING! He said nothing! And the copilot told us".

I guess they didn't like my answer of "Birds? Oh we hit birds all the darned time, 99.999% of the time you don't even know you just find some blood and some guts that you assume were there already".

Last leg day 4
On some jets it's kind of odd how they try to mitigate stuff like this. On a Global they seperate the rudder cables where they pass through the plane of the fans. If you look up into the tail compt. of the airplane the cables make some weird turns and then come together back in rear tail compt. I asked about the reason why during training, it's because the chances of a fan failure cutting both cables if they were routed together is greater than separating them.