Does ERAU still have their Flight Ops Manual?


New Member
Was in DAB from 96-98 and they gave us a blue small binder with all the lessons and rules in it.
They still update/hand this out to students? Would love to get an updated copy.
Try this link... DAB bookstore

Enter in the class number you remember getting it in...

This is for summer so I dunno if they'll have it on there...but good luck.

I went to PRC and I remember getting something like that in 110 IIRC...
They now list the FOM online. When I started here a couple years back it was a little tiny "photocopy" they overchaged you for at the bookstore. I dunno what DBeach has but PRC has the FOM online, never saw a blue binder or anything. And the funniest part is its on our Flight Line webpage...which i can't ever find and cant remember the url....even if i check the ERAU Pages >_< STUPID SCHOOL

I think I'm going to burn mine in effigy. Wait, did I say that out loud?
Nope no shorts. And no tank tops or sleeveless shirts either. Whenever I wore one I always had to bring another shirt to wear over it. Stupid. If I'm gonna burn in a plane crash (which was the reasoning behind these rules that my CFI told me) then I hardly think that a few inches more of material is gonna save my life.

Oh and you have to wear socks too. When I took my grandma up..she wears those slip on shoes from SAS that you don't wear socks with...she had to borrow my grandpa's socks so she could go up with me.
They must have edited it from when I got mine
Mine had a detailed list of the PTS maneuvers in it..
This online one does not