Did somebody leave this on an MSP overnight?


Active Member

Found it in my hotel room. I can mail it to the owner If somebody can identify. Don't want to post the name in it. Message me your contact info.
Clearly the last few posters have not flown International wide body pax Ops


We plot orientation charts on Atlantic crossings. Sometimes you also have to plot ETOPS radii around diversionary airports. I have a plotter as well because it makes it easier when you're in a bind.

Or I could be one of the cool guys, come largely unprepared and play "catch up" when the poop hits the fan over the dark and stormy ocean.

We plot orientation charts on Atlantic crossings. Sometimes you also have to plot ETOPS radii around diversionary airports. I have a plotter as well because it makes it easier when you're in a bind.

Or I could be one of the cool guys, come largely unprepared and play "catch up" when the poop hits the fan over the dark and stormy ocean.
Or he was using it to talk the pants off a waitress from the hotel bar with manly and intensely interesting pilot talk. "Go ahead and put this chart on your lap right here and we'll plot our way up...".