Design eye

Just don't paint it that fugly color that the Russians did to all of theirs.

The open bladed fans one's hand might encounter enroute to the overhead panel are my favorite.
One of those old Soviet era ships would be really interesting to fly or fly on. Some of those planes require a flight deck crew of 4-6 people...imagine the crew coordination for that! Cubana still operates a few of those large crew planes.
Thats a broad shouldered dude in the left seat. Frankenstein?

And can you imagine the number of lawsuits that would stem from that fan? How many idiot Americans would stick their finger in there just to see if it hurts.
And can you imagine the number of lawsuits that would stem from that fan? How many idiot Americans would stick their finger in there just to see if it hurts.

I've driven commercial vehicles with unguarded fans like that. The fan blades are a thin, flexible foam rubber material and the fan motors were fairly weak so they'd stop if you put you hand in the way. You have a natural curiosity to put your hand in the fan to see if it hurts! :D At least it's not as bad as Peter Griffin with the pencil sharpener.
I've driven commercial vehicles with unguarded fans like that. The fan blades are a thin, flexible foam rubber material and the fan motors were fairly weak so they'd stop if you put you hand in the way. You have a natural curiosity to put your hand in the fan to see if it hurts! :D At least it's not as bad as Peter Griffin with the pencil sharpener.

Its Russian they probably were made with titanium blades and they are ran off of stage 10 bleed air :laff:

"Bye, bye fingers"