Crossing the Southwest US in the Fat Cat

Re: Crossing in the Fat Cat

WOW!! incredible photos!! I love shots like that - and all terrain shots that you just can't see elsewhere... it's neat to know how crop dusting works.. i always wondered bout the pesticides too and if they have any residual effects like allergies or what not...

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As for allergies, well, a given percentage of the population will be sensitive to even the most innocuous product. So while it's not a big concern it is a valid one. But I have never had an issue with it.

I have gotten pyrethroid-based insecticide on me though and it can be unpleasant. It can cause a tingling sensation in the area exposed which on one or two occasions when I got it on me and did not, for whatever reason, immediately wash it off, has been so annoying that it has left it difficult to sleep at night. But there are no long term effects.