The only experience I have in a situation like this was trying to help a friend convert a C-175 (basically a C-172 with a 175 hp geared GO-300 engine) to a C-172. The geared engine is notorious for maintenance issues, and a non-geared O-300 is cheaper, and basically bolt right in with only a nose bowl change as I recall. Anyway, it only took one phone call to the FAA to shut that idea down, we were told that even though we would be creating a C-172 there was absolutely, positively, no way that they would sign off on installing a smaller engine than an airframe had originally.
This is in the Midwest where homebuilding and major alterations aren't extremely common, and that was one guy at the FSDO, so it may not be FAA policy, but if there's no manufacturer service letter or STC approving the change I would start with the FAA and see if it's something they'd even consider.