Congratulations to N826AW and his brand new type rating!

Thanks for the nice messages. Just finished my first IOE trip. Still getting the hang of landings (and the 4am van times) but seems to have gone well.

I’ve always wanted to fly to the Bahamas and got the chance to land in Exuma today. Pretty cool view out the window.
Thanks for the nice messages. Just finished my first IOE trip. Still getting the hang of landings (and the 4am van times) but seems to have gone well.

I’ve always wanted to fly to the Bahamas and got the chance to land in Exuma today. Pretty cool view out the window.

One does not "get the hang of landings" in the Bahamas. Those exacting citizens demand a 1/2 crab kickout, and a gentle, soft as a baby butt landing. They paid good money to ride on the widget. At least $100 on Kayak, non-refundable, which is why they are calling India right now to demand a $12 voucher
One does not "get the hang of landings" in the Bahamas. Those exacting citizens demand a 1/2 crab kickout, and a gentle, soft as a baby butt landing. They paid good money to ride on the widget. At least $100 on Kayak, non-refundable, which is why they are calling India right now to demand a $12 voucher
gotta hear the applause MON!