Congrats und aerobatic team!!


Well-Known Member
A short note to say GREAT JOB UND AEROBATIC TEAM!!

There will be a larger press release today sometime I believe, but the UND Aerobatic team took 1st place among the collegiate aerobatic teams in the country this year (beating ERAU and the Air Force Academy)!! WAY TO GO GUYS AND GALS!!

I also ended up finishing 3rd overall individually!

Anyone who is interested in aerobatic flying, get in contact with Ryan Carleson and check out the aerobatic flying class.... its the some of the most valuable training available at UND.

Team Results here:

Individual Results here:

Nice job! Hopefully the Flying Team will take the national championship trophy this year, then UND will have both flying competition championships!

I also ended up finishing 3rd overall individually!
Well, since you started a pissing contest, I got you beat, I took 2nd overall individually last year at nationals ;)
I'm still kind of pissed about that, I could've easily taken first if I hadn't made two dumb mistakes during the week. Oh well, I can't go back and do it again, nor would it have helped the team get the championship trophy that week. In that sense, it's kind of an empty award for me. I guess you do win said pissing contest!

Congrats guys!
What level do they judge the teams at? sportsman,advanced etc...

to qualify as a team you need to have at least 3 competitors attending 3 contests and one competitor must be at least in the sportsman category.

and...pissing contest? i think not... thats cool that you took 2nd place though!
Congrats!! I think I am going to take the Aerobatic class after I finish CFII. Does UND allow you to get your tailwheel endorsement while doing the aero course or is that just based on your instructor?
Congrats!! I think I am going to take the Aerobatic class after I finish CFII. Does UND allow you to get your tailwheel endorsement while doing the aero course or is that just based on your instructor?

Getting your tailwheel while doing the acro course is kinda up to you and your instructor. You won't get it just doing the 10 flights that are in the acro course, but if youre like me and had so much fun that you wanna fly more... you can probably work out something with your instructor.

I certainly reccommend any CFI to take the course... learning the limits of the plane is key!!