Compass is hiring...

Though I think their high hiring mins are the right idea for the industry, Compass' pay rates hardly reflect the value of those who meet them. $24/hr for a PIC-typed ATP? Not even close.
Ok, I'm gonna get on my soapbox here so if anyone is easily bored by that kind of stuff, there's your warning.

Consider the fact that when NWA started that operation, it was clear why they were doing it. It was unpopular then and still is now. Let's look at WHY they're paying such low rates. NWA specifically wanted to save a few bucks when they bought the 170's by crewing them with cheaper labor. Ok let's stop there and think about this objectively. I don't like it. You don't like it. That idea in itself sounds really dumb to agree to. Nobody wants to be cheap labor. Ok, so objectively- NWA wants cheap at the bottom of the scale. They come up with this idea to start a whole new certificate and crew it with regional pilots, while keeping the mins higher than at other regional carriers. They gave the new hires an opportunity to get a senority number and the mainline folks an opportunity to flow back. There. Everybody has a fork in this pie.

Now, the low pay is very undesirable. However, the deal was so popular that people would sign up for it and mainline would sign off on it. There are always going to be people that are willing to do that. I don't know if that deal still stands with Delta. I haven't been keeping up.
Though I think their high hiring mins are the right idea for the industry, Compass' pay rates hardly reflect the value of those who meet them. $24/hr for a PIC-typed ATP? Not even close.

Yes, but the carrot being dangled is the mainline seniority number. Its like someone else said in one of the threads about Colgan's pay. They said Colgan used to preach 3,2,1 to new hires. 3 years, 2 types, and 1,000 tpic. People overlook the low pay for the rapid upgrade, and chance to move to the majors. This is that same type of incentive, only better.
There's actually a push within the Delta union to get the Compass guys onto the mainline list eh?

Yeah. But to talk to them you'd think they were already on it. In memphis I've heard of repeated problems of commuters having to teach compass pilots how the non-reving system works. Apparently they are taught they they come in front of Mesaba and Comair guys. Wish SmoothlanderJ would chime in on this, he's had one experience with them.

It has something to do with them being a part of the same ALPA local or something.
Yeah. But to talk to them you'd think they were already on it. In memphis I've heard of repeated problems of commuters having to teach compass pilots how the non-reving system works. Apparently they are taught they they come in front of Mesaba and Comair guys. Wish SmoothlanderJ would chime in on this, he's had one experience with them.

It has something to do with them being a part of the same ALPA local or something.

You rang?? Yeah I have nothing against the Compass guys at all. is true that some, not all already consider themselves above Mesaba and Pinnacle.

Recently I was trying to jumpseat home (on a Northwest Mainline flight). I was the first pilot at the gate, and the flight appeared to be full. Well, this Compass guy strolls up and explains to me that they should have the priority over the jumpseat over Mesaba AND Pinnacle! Unbelievable! Well long story short, the conversation was over at that point and we both ended up getting seats in the back no problem.

The kicker is that he believed that a Compass pilot should have the priority on an XJ flight too...HA!.....:whatever:
You rang?? Yeah I have nothing against the Compass guys at all. is true that some, not all already consider themselves above Mesaba and Pinnacle.

Recently I was trying to jumpseat home (on a Northwest Mainline flight). I was the first pilot at the gate, and the flight appeared to be full. Well, this Compass guy strolls up and explains to me that they should have the priority over the jumpseat over Mesaba AND Pinnacle! Unbelievable! Well long story short, the conversation was over at that point and we both ended up getting seats in the back no problem.

The kicker is that he believed that a Compass pilot should have the priority on an XJ flight too...HA!.....:whatever:

:). Boy that was quick

What you have to understand Jesse, is that their RJ is bigger than your RJ and that means they are better:sarcasm:. Easy mistake to make.

Go magic.
Starting June 23, Comair, Mesaba and Compass will all have the same travel benefits and priority. Us Comair guys got screwed again for course. I'm not sure if I would take a job right now with Compass. First, you'll be on reserve for a very long time, and if Delta decides to furlough then you are screwed. I don't think I could handle two furloughs by two different regionals in one year. But hey, it's a job for the time being if you can get on...
Starting June 23, Comair, Mesaba and Compass will all have the same travel benefits and priority. Us Comair guys got screwed again for course. I'm not sure if I would take a job right now with Compass. First, you'll be on reserve for a very long time, and if Delta decides to furlough then you are screwed. I don't think I could handle two furloughs by two different regionals in one year. But hey, it's a job for the time being if you can get on...

Don't worry. Mesaba has theirs coming soon enough.
If I wasn't 200 hours short of ATP mins, I would apply. I've talked to their Chief Pilot a few times at various events, and he seems like a great guy. All in all, I heavily dislike the fact that Compass pay is on par (give or take a few percent) with other regionals, which given that they essentially require an ATP to apply and then PIC type you, I think is a bit ridiculous. However, if it continues to work under Delta the way it had under Northwest, that could be a good thing, assuming that one actually makes it upstairs to mainline.
The only thing that makes this job remotely worth while is the flow through. But $24 an hour for an ATP cert! You gotta be kidding, right? What is there monthly gaurentee, I can't find it (mabey I'm not looking in the right place).
The only thing that makes this job remotely worth while is the flow through.

Remember, with a flow through, pilots can also flow back! I don't know the exact details of the agreement, but I think they cannot furlough the top 10% of Compass if DL/NWA pilots want to flow back to CZ.
The only thing that makes this job remotely worth while is the flow through. But $24 an hour for an ATP cert! You gotta be kidding, right? What is there monthly gaurentee, I can't find it (mabey I'm not looking in the right place).

Man now I feel like a loser I was hired at my company with mins well above the ATP cert.
Remember, with a flow through, pilots can also flow back! I don't know the exact details of the agreement, but I think they cannot furlough the top 10% of Compass if DL/NWA pilots want to flow back to CZ.

Something like 100% of the seats at Compass are DAL pilots if Delta were to furlough. However, you could also get stappled to the bottom and be able to bid into larger equipment when your seniority were to hold it. Could be worth a gamble for guys on furlough. I'd roll the dice if I were still on the street, or put back on the street! That is even if I could get looked at with the way things are right now. And that pay is ABOVE RAH FO rates considerably after 1st year. Not that its great, but just another carrier who flies the same plane pays their FO's even less.
Compass mins are ridiculous. It's just a regional airline with regional pay. That flow through could be completely worthless. It sure worked out for Eagle pilots.
Wasn't Eagle's situation the result of a half-hearted offer from American so they could flow back to Eagle when everyone was hurting?