Commuting Pilot/Reserve Question

I dont envy you guys in ALB at all. Do you ever fly more repos than you do revenue?

IAD reserve isnt too bad. In December I only drove to the airport 5 or 6 times. If you count reserve days that you arent called out as off days I had 18 days off.
i dont fly passengers much. hell i dont fly much to begin with. i think im headed back to the sims next month since im not going to crack the 100 hrs. i also am the only person in the system without a line yet.
im writing as i speak. i know this is not a good way to convey my idea but i am too lazy to go back and check. most people get the point if they take the time to read my usually 2 cent post. :)

If it's not important enough for you to proofread, it's certainly not important enough for me to waste time reading.
ok. i follow the rules and try to learn as much as i can from this site. i dont have enough experience on earth or in aviation to weigh in heavily on most subjects.
Eh, that sounded harsher than I intended. Sorry. I'm sure there are plenty of people that don't mind reading text-speak...I'm just not one of them. It's a personal peccadillo and does not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of management or anyone else. :D
i dont fly passengers much. hell i dont fly much to begin with. i think im headed back to the sims next month since im not going to crack the 100 hrs. i also am the only person in the system without a line yet.

Yea, I was talking to HernandezCFI the other day in the crew room, and he has only 50 hours in the plane! Im damn glad I started in the summer and broke the 100 hours in a month and a half.

It was funny, the other day I guess they put him and another CA on hot reserve. I guess they didnt realize that they are both green, so when they tried to give them work, it didnt work. Haha
im writing as i speak. i know this is not a good way to convey my idea but i am too lazy to go back and check. most people get the point if they take the time to read my usually 2 cent post. :)

My comment was in response to Seggy's, well, lackluster at best sentence structure. I couldn't tell if it was a run-on sentence or a compound sentence without a second subject. Maybe just a love child of both. :)
the month of february i thought was going to be nice to me. nothing but "long call reserve" basically we have an hour to show up. either way i practically live in base since the two days off a week really arent that condusive for commuting three time zones. i have been called to go to work every day this month. i am actually kind of angry about this since i had big plans of sleeping until at least noon everyday then making my way to the gym. i know this sounds horrible when i write this but its a lot like college with no class. now if this is a couple years from now and im still saying this then something is wrong with me. im 23 with no real obligations to anyone so i live life accordingly. just my thoughts and ideas do as you wish.

Hate to break it to ya, dude.....but a one hour call out is no where near a "long call." Rather, I'd call that a screw job....might as well just be at the airport. Long call is 12-48 hours. Short call should not be less than 2 hours....EVER.
Hate to break it to ya, dude.....but a one hour call out is no where near a "long call." Rather, I'd call that a screw job....might as well just be at the airport. Long call is 12-48 hours. Short call should not be less than 2 hours....EVER.

Yeah I was a bit confused by that as well. I did long call a few months ago and rather enjoyed it. The only unfortunate thing at XJT is that you seem to get airport standby more than short call guys because of the way scheduling assigns trips.