Here ya all go, hopefully it will help anyone going for it.
We started off with the paperwork, making sure everything is in order, etc. Got into Comm pilot priviliges and limitations (private vs common carriage, holding out), then on to Normal, Experimental, and Restricted category aircraft. Moved on to MELs, STCs, what to do if an item is inop (91.213 - can you still fly with the TC inop?), etc. Was then asked about performance limitations, performance data, runway lengths, etc. We went over my planned cross country. Then onto systems: complex aircraft systems including landing gear, prop, engine components (vacuum), pitot static system, trim, etc. Answered questions about airspace, transponder requirements, and aeromedical factors (all of them). Transitioned to weather: METARs, TAFs, government services, ATC observers, and ASOS vs AWOS. After that the oral was pretty much done, we had lunch and went out to fly.
Preflight: was asked a few questions, external power unit, pitot mast, communication vs VOR antennas.
Flight: soft field takeoff, soft field landing, then departed for my planned XC. Had to divert inflight and find my ETE. Simulated engine failure as soon as I figured it out, then diverted again to another airport. Did a go-around (actual go-around thanks to ATC clearing someone for T/O while we were on final). Then short field landing, short field takeoff. Departed the airport for 8s on pylons, then went over to the practice area to work on maneuvers: did a steep turn, chandelle, lazy 8, power on stall (at 20" mp), full power off stall in landing configuration entered from a descent, steep spiral. The whole flight was extremely fast-paced. I was being tested not only on the maneuvers but also on my ability to 'stay ahead' of the airplane at all times. We landed and I was congratulated as a new Commercial Pilot!