Comair MEC telling the RJDC to \"Pack Sand?\"
I am by far the most outspoken of the 4 voting members of our MEC. I know each
person on our MEC personally and they are good men and women, not one of them
is associated with the RJDC. We have been walking a political tightrope at
Comair for 3 years because of (RJDC President) Dan (Ford); we support Dan's
constitutional right to LEGALLY do anything he has the money and willpower to
do. Do we think he is right? Not really, but we have always told our pilots
that if your actions are legal and just, we have no problem with what you do.
The times have changed, our neutral position has changed because Dan could not
leave well enough alone and pursue his court case while leaving the MEC out of
it. He filed a grievance against the company claiming the same crap; our scope
clause isn't protecting us. Both the MEC and Company looked at Dan and said,
Huh? When we wouldn't support his grievance he turned on the MEC.
JC (Lawson, former CMR MEC Chairman and current ALPA Executive Board member)
threw Dan out of his office back in June and told him not to come back. The
RJDC has ever since been slowly positioning themselves and their supporters in
a manner that has forced the MEC to take a side. Once we did, the fireworks
started. We called in the ALPA big guns at legal and even got DW (Duane
Woerth) to come to our LEC meeting, of course the RJDC claims that was some
sort of master plot against the locals. We are in separate directions, and Dan
is furious. Last week they put up a front man to formally file a motion for
recall of all voting members.
Yes they are trying to hijack the CMR MEC.
Our pilots are on the line, they fly the same routes, same altitudes,
sophisticated aircraft and we are Part 121 airline pilots. But we want to be
equals and we want that strike to mean something, By far the average CMR pilot
has a degree, walks tall and is VERY PROUD, we are just like you guys.
But we do feel like we're pissed on sometimes, so that's where the frustration
comes from. I think we can pull them together (minus the RJDC) and they will
support us. But we need meaningful discussions, and I think we will.
JC talked to John (Malone, I presume) and Bob(?) last night in DC. We are
getting really close here guys.
We are on the brink of finally coming together and working out a plan that just
might do some good for all the parties involved, Delta, ASA, CMR pilots, and
certainly the company.
Actions speak louder than words, and you will shortly be hearing from the CMR
MEC on issues that concern your group. But when it comes out, if the mainline
pilots don't support us and put pressure on your own MEC to help us at ASA/CMR,
then the RJDC will spin it like the Communist Party they are.
Guys, here's the deal. In the past we haven't made headway because of
attitudes and preconceived ideas. Both sides had deal killers, and both sides
wanted the upper hand (and yes, the CMR MEC has made mistakes in the past in
the way we talked with you guys). We have finally agreed that nothing to this
date has worked, so we're throwing everything off the table and saying, let's
talk substance. Lets talk about investment and return, and most importantly
lets talk about what is right for this union and its members. So we don't have
a plan, other than merging ASA/CMR with one list and one contract, our ears and
eyes are open. We're looking to you for guidance and a plan. We have the
utmost respect for a Delta Pilot; we just want that same respect. And that's a
good thing.
For the sake of this union, please help me in starting a grass roots campaign
on your property to get our MEC's together and hammer something out. We get
big wins no matter what.
1. Furloughed pilots off the street
2. Comair/ASA pilots get a choice in their future
3. Delta gets to fly what ever the hell it wants
4. And the grand damn finale, FORD v. ALPA goes into the history books as a
The minute we ink a legal deal among the 3 groups, that judge is going to tell
Dan, "Sorry, it looks like your union solved its own problems, case dismissed".
[Name omitted because of a lack of permission to repost]
I am by far the most outspoken of the 4 voting members of our MEC. I know each
person on our MEC personally and they are good men and women, not one of them
is associated with the RJDC. We have been walking a political tightrope at
Comair for 3 years because of (RJDC President) Dan (Ford); we support Dan's
constitutional right to LEGALLY do anything he has the money and willpower to
do. Do we think he is right? Not really, but we have always told our pilots
that if your actions are legal and just, we have no problem with what you do.
The times have changed, our neutral position has changed because Dan could not
leave well enough alone and pursue his court case while leaving the MEC out of
it. He filed a grievance against the company claiming the same crap; our scope
clause isn't protecting us. Both the MEC and Company looked at Dan and said,
Huh? When we wouldn't support his grievance he turned on the MEC.
JC (Lawson, former CMR MEC Chairman and current ALPA Executive Board member)
threw Dan out of his office back in June and told him not to come back. The
RJDC has ever since been slowly positioning themselves and their supporters in
a manner that has forced the MEC to take a side. Once we did, the fireworks
started. We called in the ALPA big guns at legal and even got DW (Duane
Woerth) to come to our LEC meeting, of course the RJDC claims that was some
sort of master plot against the locals. We are in separate directions, and Dan
is furious. Last week they put up a front man to formally file a motion for
recall of all voting members.
Yes they are trying to hijack the CMR MEC.
Our pilots are on the line, they fly the same routes, same altitudes,
sophisticated aircraft and we are Part 121 airline pilots. But we want to be
equals and we want that strike to mean something, By far the average CMR pilot
has a degree, walks tall and is VERY PROUD, we are just like you guys.
But we do feel like we're pissed on sometimes, so that's where the frustration
comes from. I think we can pull them together (minus the RJDC) and they will
support us. But we need meaningful discussions, and I think we will.
JC talked to John (Malone, I presume) and Bob(?) last night in DC. We are
getting really close here guys.
We are on the brink of finally coming together and working out a plan that just
might do some good for all the parties involved, Delta, ASA, CMR pilots, and
certainly the company.
Actions speak louder than words, and you will shortly be hearing from the CMR
MEC on issues that concern your group. But when it comes out, if the mainline
pilots don't support us and put pressure on your own MEC to help us at ASA/CMR,
then the RJDC will spin it like the Communist Party they are.
Guys, here's the deal. In the past we haven't made headway because of
attitudes and preconceived ideas. Both sides had deal killers, and both sides
wanted the upper hand (and yes, the CMR MEC has made mistakes in the past in
the way we talked with you guys). We have finally agreed that nothing to this
date has worked, so we're throwing everything off the table and saying, let's
talk substance. Lets talk about investment and return, and most importantly
lets talk about what is right for this union and its members. So we don't have
a plan, other than merging ASA/CMR with one list and one contract, our ears and
eyes are open. We're looking to you for guidance and a plan. We have the
utmost respect for a Delta Pilot; we just want that same respect. And that's a
good thing.
For the sake of this union, please help me in starting a grass roots campaign
on your property to get our MEC's together and hammer something out. We get
big wins no matter what.
1. Furloughed pilots off the street
2. Comair/ASA pilots get a choice in their future
3. Delta gets to fly what ever the hell it wants
4. And the grand damn finale, FORD v. ALPA goes into the history books as a
The minute we ink a legal deal among the 3 groups, that judge is going to tell
Dan, "Sorry, it looks like your union solved its own problems, case dismissed".
[Name omitted because of a lack of permission to repost]