College Football Game of the Week


Well-Known Member

College Football Game of the Week
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />Miami vs. Florida
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />Oklahoma vs. Alabama
<input type="radio" name="option" value="3" />Colorado vs. UCLA
<input type="radio" name="option" value="4" />Washington St. vs. Notre Dame
<input type="radio" name="option" value="5" />Florida St. vs. Maryland
<input type="radio" name="option" value="6" />Other
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>

Okay, here's this week's college football post. Of course, I'm going with Miami in a huge blowout of Florida at the Orange Bowl!
This game is the only game this week between two Top 25 opponents, by the way.
In the spirit of competition:

I hope Notre Dame gets beat early and often.

BYU vs. USC cannot be forgotten. You've got a top 5 team, USC, going against a pass-happy offense, BYU.
Then again, you've got a new coach at UCLA vs. a team not to be slept on in Colorado.
They may be blow-outs, but they've got the drama and suspense to be potential games of the week.

I hope Notre Dame gets beat early and often.


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It won't happen with their defense and special teams. If their o line could only give Carlyle Holiday more time to throw. He is an option quaterback but he can't be running the ball every damn down. So if their offense gets rollin' they could do some serious damage.
So long as we get some offense this year, ND will be among the BCS contenders. And just a side note, ND is now #1 for student-athlete graduation....we graduate 99 percent of athletes who play 4 years and 92 percent overall!!! Not many schools can combine incredible academics and great athletics success. There's a lot to be said for that in this day and age. "...and our hearts forever, love thee Notre Dame." GO IRISH!
ND is now #1 for student-athlete graduation....we graduate 99 percent of athletes who play 4 years and 92 percent overall!!!

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Grreeeaaat - now ya'll are runnin' ads that make you sound like the DCA of colleges.

ND's tradition cannot be questioned.. very storied college football program... Just don't like `em. (long story - pm me if you wanna hear it)
Playing, but not really playing any significant games.

Teams like Buffalo, Illinois State, Boston College, Bowling Green, Houston, San Diego State, Akron, Rutgers, and Troy State aren't going to get you lots of publicity.

Air Force is at Northwestern and Indiana is at Washington. Those could get some attention.

And does anyone besides me see the irony in Air Force using a ground game for their football team?
Western Michigan is playing William and Mary on Saturday. That should be a pretty good game, we're pretty evenly matched teams so it should be interesting to see how things come out. I don't think it's on TV, though.


John Herreshoff
too much time on your hands there or did you actually buy the postcard and NOT mail it???? haha
yay go blue. we pounded houston 50-3
and Western Michigan did well too, 56-24 over William and Mary. time to start the celebration!

I'll agree Miami/UF turned out to be one hell of a game.
Loving the Tigers whoopin on Arizona. Aint no way the PAC-10 will sweep the SEC!!!