Colgan Air

I'm sorry, but Colgan shouldn't be hiring ANY street captains. This is their way to keep FOs in the right seat and not let them upgrade.

We are not short of eligible FOs.

I'm personally only about 70 numbers from upgrade so I would like to see the street CA stuff stop.

Well, Smitty, why haven't you bid to upgrade? And you'll ALWAYS be senior to the street captains hired after you, no?

They wouldn't hire street Captains if they had qualified F/Os who bid the position.
Well, Smitty, why haven't you bid to upgrade? And you'll ALWAYS be senior to the street captains hired after you, no?

They wouldn't hire street Captains if they had qualified F/Os who bid the position.

Sadly, it doesn't quite work that way here. It would be wonderful if we were able to bid for upgrades; but the company only runs classes when they want to. It really doesn't have much to do w/ seniority and the ability to hold the spot...because we have vacancies and no classes are being held this month.
I'm sorry, but Colgan shouldn't be hiring ANY street captains. This is their way to keep FOs in the right seat and not let them upgrade.

We are not short of eligible FOs.

I'm personally only about 70 numbers from upgrade so I would like to see the street CA stuff stop.

I agree with you. I know the song you're singing well. Luckily the tune has changed for me.I feel bad for the others though.
Please don't take this as me saying "I deserve to upgrade dammit!!!"...because I don't mean that whatsoever.

I just don't like seeing 1500hr 135 freight guys flying Barons come into the SAAB and have NO EFFING CLUE WHAT TO DO. They need to be FOs first.

Sorry- a 1000 hour FO shouldn't have to tell you to watch your altitude, speed or tell you when to turn on the whitestone climb out of LGA.

It's a little different making decisions when your passengers are actual human beings with families.

Walked into Chucks office today. His words "1000/100 are our minimums with the state of the industry currently." I used to work there, a family member currently works there, I even went to his daughters wedding. No real interview for me at 515/135.

The industry is a'changin!


That's strange considering they lowered mins again from 1000/100 to 500/100.
Please don't take this as me saying "I deserve to upgrade dammit!!!"...because I don't mean that whatsoever.

I just don't like seeing 1500hr 135 freight guys flying Barons come into the SAAB and have NO EFFING CLUE WHAT TO DO. They need to be FOs first.

Sorry- a 1000 hour FO shouldn't have to tell you to watch your altitude, speed or tell you when to turn on the whitestone climb out of LGA.

It's a little different making decisions when your passengers are actual human beings with families.


Exactly, as an FO 30 away from upgrade this street captain drives me crazy. It would be one thing if someone was hired with 1000+ hours in a SAAB from another airline but hiring guys with zero SAAB time is a joke. I have to play Captain when I fly with these guys and make sure they do their flows correctly and fly according to our rules, not their last airlines rules.

And yes, when we upgrade we will always be senior to these street captains but nevertheless how fair is it that a new Colgan CA who started as a FO can not get the base he wants because it is clogged with street ca's? There are a few guys I know stuck in the northeast waiting to come back to IAH but cant, regardless to the fact they are senior to many of the street ca's there.

This is nothing against any street captain, you have to do what you have to do. This is against Colgan allowing this to happen when you have qualified FOs ready to go now.
The question stands...won't you be years senior to a "street Captain" when you do upgrade?

He may be a Captain today, but the day you upgrade, you'll leapfrog him, no?
The question stands...won't you be years senior to a "street Captain" when you do upgrade?

He may be a Captain today, but the day you upgrade, you'll leapfrog him, no?

It is not just a senority issue, read what I wrote. Street Captains lock up spots in sought after bases which prevent guys from being able to go back home after upgrade. This has nothing to do with senority
But as soon as there's a system bid, wouldn't a qualified F/O upgrade, take the vacancy and push the street Captain down a number? It seems to me street Captains are looking at a LONG reserve career.
The issue is that at Colgan, you can't bid into a base unless there is a vacancy there. So if a vacancy comes up at the base you want (and it's a small base) and you're eligible for upgrade but they fill the vacancy with a street captain, when you DO upgrade you won't be able to move into that spot no matter HOW senior you are to him. And for a small base, it could be a while before another vacancy occurs.