Colgan Air


New Member
Colgan Air, operating as Continental Connection, United Express and US Airways Express, is a stable, family-oriented regional airline. Colgan Air has been recognized for the exceptional service levels it provides its customers and is a leader in providing air service to small and medium-sized cities in the United States.
Colgan Air offers exciting opportunities for employment, offering competitive salary and benefit packages with the stability of working for one of the fastest growing regional airlines in the Nation.
Colgan Air will be attending the FltOps Career Fair in Las Vegas, Nevada on May 16th and is now hiring direct entry captains for the Beech 1900 and Q400 and first officers for the Beech 1900, Saab 340 and Q400.
To apply, please email resume to Cathy Angelo at or visit our booth at the career fair.
I got a friend who called about for the Capt. position too, but they told him the Q's are all staffed and they stopped taking orders for now. If you go you would get the 1900 and later the Saab. The Q400 is now very senior.
Word on the street is that the Q400 street captain gig is a bait and switch. "Thanks for coming out, we can offer you a 1900 position from which you will upgrade to the Saab 'soon'". Take it for what it's worth.
I thought they were parking the 1900?

They are. Many of the current 1900 pilots are transitioning to the Q400 so they are hiring FO's and captains to fullfill those positions. When the Beech goes away this fall the 1900 pilots will transition to another airframe.
They are. Many of the current 1900 pilots are transitioning to the Q400 so they are hiring FO's and captains to fullfill those positions. When the Beech goes away this fall the 1900 pilots will transition to another airframe.

Any idea what the hiring mins are for the 1900?
Colgan Air ... is a stable, family-oriented regional airline.

That cracked me up!

A) Did they really just use "regional airline" and "stable" in the same sentence??

B) No idea what "family-oriented" means, but since Pinnacle bought them, they're as corporate as any other, IMHO.

Gotta love marketing and/or HR people... :sarcasm:
Walked into Chucks office today. His words "1000/100 are our minimums with the state of the industry currently." I used to work there, a family member currently works there, I even went to his daughters wedding. No real interview for me at 515/135.

The industry is a'changin!

God I wish they would lower their mins for the 1900. I'm at 1600/750 with 250 PIC SA227 which basically is a 1900.

Walked into Chucks office today. His words "1000/100 are our minimums with the state of the industry currently." I used to work there, a family member currently works there, I even went to his daughters wedding. No real interview for me at 515/135.

The industry is a'changin!


God I wish they would lower their mins for the 1900. I'm at 1600/750 with 250 PIC SA227 which basically is a 1900.


You have 1600/750, and the mins are 1000/100 per v1valarob, so what is the problem? Why do wish they would lower there mins, you already have more than the mins? I'm confused... :confused:
He wants to be a street captain. You should walk in and inform them that since the beech is basically a metro and you have 250 hours PIC, you'll be attending their next captain class. You need to assert yourself.
From my experience, the metro and the beech are two different species. You wouldn't have a problem making the transition though.:)
I'm sorry, but Colgan shouldn't be hiring ANY street captains. This is their way to keep FOs in the right seat and not let them upgrade.

We are not short of eligible FOs.

I'm personally only about 70 numbers from upgrade so I would like to see the street CA stuff stop.
Walked into Chucks office today. His words "1000/100 are our minimums with the state of the industry currently." I used to work there, a family member currently works there, I even went to his daughters wedding. No real interview for me at 515/135.

The industry is a'changin!


I thought you were at Eagle? Did they cancel your class?

You're Colgan blood- you should be able to get on no prob.
I thought you were at Eagle? Did they cancel your class?

You're Colgan blood- you should be able to get on no prob.

I should be in class on Monday with Eagle. But Im not, none of us are. All classes canceled for the time being. Meaning awwwwhile.

I'm sorry, but Colgan shouldn't be hiring ANY street captains. This is their way to keep FOs in the right seat and not let them upgrade.

We are not short of eligible FOs.

I'm personally only about 70 numbers from upgrade so I would like to see the street CA stuff stop.

I'm number one and can't get a straight answer from anyone Smit. So I'm with you 100 percent.
Considering we had over 1000 hours of CA/FO open time the past two months, something is up. We need more CA's. We need more FO's. The brain factory (and I use that term loosely) has something brewing. Perhaps the specter of parking airframes has us running lean.