Changing Careers? Changing Location!


Well-Known Member
The time has come to make a change I feel. There are many things that are leading up to this decision, however, we have made up our minds to relocate before it is too late!

Within the next 12 to 18 months (that is the plan anyway), we are looking at packing things up and leaving the good old midwest. After considering our hobbies, our interestes and our career goals, we have decided to set foot in the Scottsdale area.

I know there are a few members of JC who currently live or have lived in the area. If you all could be so kind as to throw suggestions out as to where to look for apartments (until we can buy a home), what areas to avoid and the like, it would be greatly appreciated.

Right now I am in the process of sending resumes out to a few companies that are in the field of my previous line of work (sales in the custom home market), but I am also going to inquire about line service at the Scottsdale Airport and PGA apprenticeship at TPC Scottsdale along with possible employment at Arizona Fly Fishing in Tempe or the Desert Sportsman in Scottsdale itself.

If anyone may know of opportunities in the area (also in Marketing for the GF) or have suggestions or recommendations of any kind, please feel free to PM me. This will be an adventure, but one we look forward to and one that can not come soon enough (especially with this last cold spell we had:banghead:)!

Thank You in advance!