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A chandelle is defined as a "maximum performance, 180 degree climbing turn...."

I have always believed that "maximum performance" also meant full power, but recently had an argument with an instructor about this. We looked up the definition again and sure enough, it reads "maximum performance for the chosen power setting". Doing a chandelle at full power can be challenging, and therefore selecting a lower power setting might make the maneuver easier to perform, but I still believe it is intended to be done at FULL power.

Any opinions?
I was taught to use full power and was exected to do so on my checkride. Don't really know what the point would be of using a lower power setting unless perhaps student was having trouble getting the idea and a lower power setting was easier initially. I don't personally know if it is easier as I have never tried less than full power.

Be well and fly safe
I just learned the chandelle in a 152, and was taught to use full power (and to apply power before beginning bank/pitch).

Just last night, I was flying a 182 and was told to put props full, but not full manifold pressure (as could exceed recommended operating range) as well as apply power only after beginning to pull up.

Plus, think if you're trying to do a chandelle in an F-15 - with full power, you're just going to go up and up and up and not slow that much down.

I think this is related to the way we practice stalls - usually a power-off stall is initiated with full flaps and straight ahead, right? But it can really be initiated with any flap setting, and at any bank angle. So it's "stall in landing configuration" in the PTS, but it doesn't specify which flap/bank to use.

You can perform maneuvers using different variables, such as power setting, but expect to show proficiency using those various settings in case your examiner was taught a different way than you were
The PTS references AC 61-21 which has been superceded by FAA-H-8083-3, Airplane Flying Handbook. Since this book is referenced by the PTS, the way it states it the way it has to be done for the checkride. It says that an airplane with a fixed pitch prop full throttle may be applied, but is applied gradually so that maximum allowable RPM is not exceeded. In airplanes with constant-speed props, power may be left at the normal cruise setting.