CFI jobs


Well-Known Member
I am hopefully going to be finished with my CFI rating by the end of May. My goal (short term) is to be hired by my university that I am at as a CFI. However, they aren't hiring right now because no one is moving on to the airlines for some strange reason.

So, I was wondering do/would a flight school hire someone for 3 months during the summer? Or would I be wasting my time giving them my resume?

Usually employers are not looking for short term people. So I would not advise them that your intent is to book out of there after 3 months.
I don't know if they are still hiring and if they are how much flying you will do, but The school in Guthrie gave me a shot and let me pick up some students. Def wasn't full time but it at least got me some dual given and a flying job on my resume. Check em out if things in norman don't work out (if that's where you are).
You will never get the job if you don't try.

If staying past three months is something that you can't do, don't say you will.

Be honest and good luck getting a job.

Just out of curiosity, what does your University pay the instructors?
You'll never get hired if you don't bother to apply.

I've seen flight schools hire for the summer rush, so it's not unheard of.

Give them a resume. The worst they can say is "no."
Just out of curiosity, what does your University pay the instructors?

At one time I was in desperate need of a CFI job, and as a Poke (OSU grad.) I was looking at my absolute last options in the area and looked into the school at OU -- the equivalent of selling my soul to the devil.

I may be wrong, but I sear the application said starting pay was 8$ per flight hour. :crazy::banghead:
Check em out if things in norman don't work out (if that's where you are).

Just out of curiosity, what does your University pay the instructors?

From what I hear that's pretty terrible pay. However, it's great because they mold around your class schedule, discount on future flight lessons, guaranteed students coming in because it is an university, and rumored tuition help.
$13 an hour isn't aweful, especially when the cost of living is pretty darn cheap in OK.

I paid about $500 / month for my apartment, and it was bigger than what I pay $1k a month for now in PA.