We have donated our time and this would be a non paid position. Though a nice time builder and self satisfaction to one who helps out.

You might want to clear this up immediately. You can just select from the options below:

  1. You mispoke and pay is at least industry average because WTF can live in LA and work for free?
  2. This post was a joke.
  3. You are seriously trying to get someone to instruct for free.
Hint: Don't pick 3.
You might want to clear this up immediately. You can just select from the options below:

  1. You mispoke and pay is at least industry average because WTF can live in LA and work for free?
  2. This post was a joke.
  3. You are seriously trying to get someone to instruct for free.
Hint: Don't pick 3.
i could see if it was for a not for profit foundation and the kids were somehow specially classified or something....but if he's taking in a profit and not paying the folks who are doing the work...then yea, that wouldn't be the best "job" to take esp if it means moving to a location that's costly and having really, no income, coming in to pay for it all.
You might want to clear this up immediately. You can just select from the options below:

  1. You mispoke and pay is at least industry average because WTF can live in LA and work for free?
  2. This post was a joke.
  3. You are seriously trying to get someone to instruct for free.
Hint: Don't pick 3.

Take it easy killer.

First off he is talking about a club. I don't think I know anybody who would ask another CFI to work for free so he can make money. Okay, I know one... :laff:
I am an instructor airplane and Glider student. I joined a glider club, guess what, club member CFI-Gs give free dual in their free time one the weekend. Saturdays at noon are the only times the club meets at the hangar.
I am taking a liberty but I am confident he didn't mean for this to be your only job or only flight instruction job.
Join a club, make friends, kill free time while building flight time and "help out".

working for free = bad
paying to work = badder
donating your time and experience to friends, family, company CFIs and company mechanics = good courtesy's that some of the old dogs raised me with. :bandit:


3 months ehh?
were the mid-terms hard?
There was a place at RVS in Tulsa that was hiring a while back and provided housing. Sorry I can't help more.

Really? I wonder where the housing is and why the four instructors I know there aren't taking advantage of this? Anybody know where the housing is? I can tell you which apartments you DON'T want to live in...........
It located about five miles from the airport on the other side of the river. The apartment is shared with four other instructors, so two per room. You make $15 an hour when living there. After 30 days if you move out it goes up to $20 then later $30. As long as you live in the apartment you make $15 an hour period. If you do live in the apartment, I didn't break the couch, it was my old roommate.
Deer field. I didn't see any deers, when I was there.

That's what I figured! That place is not the best, but it isn't the worst either. The security guard is a nerd. Don't talk to him too much or you will have a new best friend! :D Four guys in a 2 bedroom apartment, well.......doesn't sound like fun to me. It is however in a great location close to the airport.
There are apartments closer, but I enjoyed living there because all the students live there. Instructors like to prank them during the night time. My old roommate move my car to a different parking lot, so don't leave your keys out in the open.
I have a injury that prevents me from sitting for long periods of time, plus I'm waiting for the FAA to get back in town to do my CFII.