CFI-I Checkride with Dale Harper

Anyone have any experience with Dale Harper from the Orlando area, specifically on a CFI-I checkride?
I did my CP ASES, AMEL and CFI rides with Dale.
He's a great guy, even if considered tough he is fair. Know your stuff, don't try to BS your way out, think through your answers. You'll be flying with a guy who did something like 13k hours of floats in Alaska - he's looking to make sure you find a safe way out of scenarios.
Do it right and checkrides with Dale are a great learning experience.
I'm doing my IFR ride with Dale coming up later this month, do you have any pointers or tips
I did my CP ASES, AMEL and CFI rides with Dale.
He's a great guy, even if considered tough he is fair. Know your stuff, don't try to BS your way out, think through your answers. You'll be flying with a guy who did something like 13k hours of floats in Alaska - he's looking to make sure you find a safe way out of scenarios.
Do it right and checkrides with Dale are a great learning experience.

I'm taking my IFR ride with Dale later this month. Do you have any pointers or tips for his check rides? I would greatly appreciate it.